He always (  )what he thinks right, no matter the cost to himself.
A.stands for
B.stands out
C.stands by
D.stands up for
解析】【试题解析】动词短语辨析题。本题考查的是动词stand后面不同的副词,表示不同的意思。A选项stand for“代表、支持”;B选项stand out“突出、站起来”;C选项stands by“支持、袖手旁观”;D选项stands up for“支持、坚持;拥护”,空格后面是一个从句,意思是“他认为正确的事情”,所以这里空格部分单词意思应该是“坚持”,句意为:他总是坚持他认为对的,不管他为此付出多少代价。故选项D为正确答案。
Only 5 minutes after it took off, the aircraft down to (  )earth for the damaged engine.
【解析】【试题解析】考查动词辨析。A选项fluctuate“波动,动摇”;B选项vibrate“振动;颤动;摇摆”;C选项plummet“坠落,掉下”;D选项mutate“突变”。填入动词过去式做谓语,其主语是the aircraft,由关键信息the damaged engine“损坏的发动机”可知plummet“坠落,掉下”符合题意,句意为:因为发动机损坏,飞机起飞后5分钟就降落到地面上。故答案选 C。
    When executives at Google went looking for Wall Street investment bankers to underwrite the company’s massive initial public offering, they laid down strict terms of engagement: bring us new ideas on how to sell the deal to investors and save the usual political gamesmanship. But with such a huge payday at stake—an estimated $100 million i
n fees for handling the offering—would you expect all the big firms to play by the Google rules? Of course not, just ask Goldman Sachs.
    To win a chunk of the Google business, Goldman, the nation’s premier investment bank, set free its CEO: Hank Paulson, to pull some strings. Paulson is one of Wall Street’s best “call men”, who can wave a Palm PDA full of connections when it’s crunch time to bring home a deal. But Newsweek has learned that Paulson tried to sidestep Google’s orders by reaching out to one of Google’s largest investors, Kleiner Perkins, the powerful venture-capital firm that was an early Google backer. The move helped doom Goldman’s efforts to win the lead underwriting spot, which went instead to Credit Suisse First Boston and Morgan Stanley.
    Paulson thought his best shot was John Doerr, one of Kleiner’s top partners. Bad move, when word of Paulson’s misstep got back to Google’s top executives, Goldman was quickly bumped from the top of the short list. “The people at Google were such enthusiasts about the rules,” said one executive who works at a rival Wall Street firm. “When they heard abou
t this, they went ape.” None of the parties involved—Google, Goldman Sachs or Doerr—would comment.
    The two winners, CSFB and Morgan Stanley, managed to keep a low profile. John Mack, CSFB’s famously well-connected chief executive, purposely stayed out of the bidding process for fear that he might tip the scales to another player, people with knowledge of the matter say. Meanwhile, new rules for Wall Street research analysts appear to have prevented Mary Meeker, Morgan Stanley’s top Internet analyst, from playing a direct role, even though she and Doerr have done business together for years.
   Goldman, meanwhile, can’t blame its loss just on Paulson. People close to the deal say bankers for the firm bragged to Google about the Goldman name, and didn’t generate enough ideas about how to sell shares to investors through an auction. “Their lack of marketing wit may have hurt them more than Paulson,” said the executive from a rival firm. Sometimes, it really does pay to play by the rules.
1. What can be inferred from the first paragraph?
2. Hank Paulson’s name is mentioned to show that(  ).
3. The speaker in the third paragraph thinks that(  ).
4. John Mack and Mary Meeker shared similarities in that they both(  ).
5. Goldman might learn a lesson from Google’s deal that (  ).
A.Google followed the rules of Wall Street.
B.Goldman Sachs disobeyed Google’s rules.
C.Goldman Sachs followed Google’s rules.
D.Big firms in Wall Street are afraid of Google.
A.he is a famous banker in Wall Street
B.he failed by following Google’s rules
C.he lost Google’s deal by using gamesmanship
D.he lost Google’s deal to his rivals
A.John Doerr was the best shot for Paulson
B.Goldman was wrong in Google’s deal
C.Google made a fuss about Paulson’s act
D.Google followed the rules perfectly
A.behaved with deliberate restraint or modesty
B.purposely stayed out of the bidding process
C.worked together with Doerr for years
D.tipped the scale to their rivals
A.they should not unleash its CEO to pull some strings
B.they should always play by the rules
C.Paulson is not the right person to lead the hank
D.it’s vital to have good perception in marketing
【试题解析】主旨大意题。定位到文章第一段“But with such a huge payday at stake—an estimated $100 million in fees for handling the offering—would you expect all the big firms to play by the Google rules? Of course not, just ask Goldman Sachs. 但是,考虑到如此巨额的发薪日——估计有1亿美元用于处理股票发行的费用——你还指望所有的大公司都遵守谷歌规则吗?当然不是,问问高盛公司就知道了。”由此可得到B选项“高盛公司不服从谷歌的规定”符合题意。
【试题解析】推理判断题。定位到文章第二段“But Newsweek has learned that Paulson tried to sidestep Google’s orders by reaching out to one of Google’s largest investors, Kleiner Perkins, the powerful venture-capital firm that was an early Google backer. The move helped doom Goldman’s efforts to win the lead underwriting spot,
which went instead to Credit Suisse First Boston and Morgan Stanley. 但《新闻周刊》获悉,保尔森试图绕过谷歌的指令,与谷歌最大的投资者之一、实力强大的风险投资公司凯鹏华盈接洽。这家公司是谷歌的早期支持者。这一举动使高盛赢得主承销席位的努力陷入了失败,最终被瑞士信贷第一波士顿(CSFB)和摩根士丹利(Morgan Stanley)取代。”由此可知保尔森虽然用了些手段,但是没有赢得谷歌的生意,因此选项C正确。