1. The programme aims to make the country(  ) in food and to cut energy imports.
【解析】题干中cut energy imports “减少能源进口”可推断出前文是在粮食上自给自足,选项B符合题意。self-sufficient “自给自足的”;self-confident “自信的”;self-satisfied “自满的”;self-restrained “自我克制的”。
The child’s bad behavior is often more than a way of trying to(  ) his mother’s attention away from his sister.
【解析】考查动词辨析。reflect “反映”;catch “赶上,抓住”;deflect “使转向;转移”;reduce “减少”。虽然catch one’s attention 是固定搭配,意思是“引起某人的注意”,但此处是“将某人的注意力转移”,因此选项B不正确,选项C符合题意。 
Analysts have had their go at humor, and I have read some of this interpretative literature, but without being greatly instructed. Humor can be dissected, as a frog can, but the thing dies in the process and the innards are discouraging to any but the pure scientific mind.
In a newsreel theatre the other day I saw a picture of a man who had developed the soap bubble to a higher point than it had ever before reached. He had became the ace soap bubble blower of America, had perfected the business of blowing bubbles, refined it, doubled it, squared it, and had even worked himself up into a convenient lather. The effect
was not pretty. Some of the bubbles were too big to be beautiful, and the blower was always jumping into them or out of them, or playing some sort of unattractive trick with them. It was, if anything, a rather repulsive sight. Humor is a little like that: it won’t stand much blowing up, and it won’t stand much poking. It has a certain fragility, an evasiveness, which one had best respect. Essentially, it is a complete mystery. A human frame convulsed with laughter, and the laughter becoming hysterical and uncontrollable, is as far out of balance as one shaken with the hiccoughs or in the throes of a sneezing fit.
2022考研英语答案One of the things commonly said about humorists is that they are really very sad people — clown with a breaking heart. There is some truth in it, but it is badly stated. It would be more accurate, I think, to say that there is a deep vein of melancholy running through everyone’s life and that the humorist, perhaps more sensible of it than some others, compensates for it actively and positively. Humorists fatten on trouble. They have always made trouble pay. They struggle along with a good will and endure pain cheerfully, knowing how well it will serve them in the sweet by and by. You find them wrestling with foreign languages, fighting folding ironing boards and swollen drainpipes, suffering the terrible disc
omfort of tight boots (or as Josh Billing wittily called them, “tite” boots). They pour out their sorrows profitably,in a form that is not quite fiction nor quite fact either. Beneath the sparkling surface of these dilemmas flows the strong tide of human woe.
1.The central theme of this essay is:( )
2.The main idea of Paragraph 2 is:( )
3.Why does the author feel that when humor is dissected, it dies in the process?( )
4.The word “melancholy” in Paragraph 3 probably means ( ).
5.In his final sentence, the author is evoking an image of ( ).
A.There is little humor in old newsreel.
B.Humor can be dissected like a frog.
C.Humor is essentially a mystery, and because humorists are more aware of melancholy, they seem sadder than most people.
D.Humorists need to compensate for the pain they have suffered.
A.The author once saw a picture of the largest soap bubble ever made.
B.The bubble blowing performance was a repulsive sight.
C.Humor is fragile.
D.Laughter is not a measure of humor.
A.The fun in humor lies in examining its contents.
B.Humor must tantalize the senses on impact — if it has to be explained, it loses its effect.
C.Humor is best enjoyed by people with scientific minds.
D.A good humorist should explain his or her joke to make sure everyone understands it.
A.the ocean
B.sparkling germs
C.high tide
D.flowing water
第2题:文章第二段以吹肥皂泡表演开始,接下来提到humor is a little like that, 幽默与吹肥皂泡相似:脆弱而又飘忽不定。作者还认为幽默就是一个谜(Essentially, it is a complete mystery)。选项C符合题意。
第3题:文章第一段最后一句话提到Humor can be dissected, as a frog can, but the thing dies in the process and the innards are discouraging to any but the pure scientific mind,意思就是经过剖析后的幽默除了纯科学头脑,其他人只会变得沮丧。也就是说经过剖析后的幽默断然无存。选项B符合题意。
第4题:题干出现在文章第三段第三句话,后面提到幽默家是靠烦恼致富的,他们能够从烦恼中获得补偿(Humorists fatten on trouble. They have always made trouble pay)。因此melancholy这个词应该是表示消极意思的词。选项B与trouble意思相近,所以符合题意。