2023年6月 四级英语听力短文 可可英语
    Title: My Adventure at the Amusement Park
    Hi everyone! Today I want to tell you about my super fun day at the amusement park. It was in June 2023, and the weather was so nice and sunny. I went with my family and we were all super excited to go on all the rides.
    The first ride we went on was the roller coaster. It was so fast and went upside down! I screamed the whole time but it was so much fun. After that, we went on the spinning teacups ride and I felt so dizzy afterwards. But I couldn't stop smiling because it was so exciting.
    We also went on the giant Ferris wheel. We went all the way to the top and I could see the whole park from up there. It was so beautiful! Next, we went on the bumper cars and my dad kept bumping into me. It was so funny and we were all laughing so hard.
    I also tried the merry-go-round and felt like a princess riding on a horse. And of course, I had to get some cotton candy and popcorn to eat. Yummy!
    At the end of the day, we watched a fireworks show and it was so magical. The colors were so bright and beautiful in the night sky. I didn't want the day to end, but I was so tired from all the fun we had.
    I can't wait to go back to the amusement park again. It was the best day ever! Have you been to an amusement park before? What was your favorite ride? Let me know in the comments. Thanks for reading my story! Bye!
    Hey guys! I’m so excited to tell you about the listening test I took last month in June 2023. It was the four-level English listening test on Keke English. It was super fun and I learned a lot from it!
    The first part of the test was about a boy named Tim who went to the beach with his fami
ly. It was so cool because the voices in the audio sounded like real people. Tim’s mom was asking him to put on sunscreen and Tim was playing in the sand. Then they had a picnic on the beach and Tim’s dad flew a kite. It was so much fun to listen to!
    The second part of the test was about a girl named Lucy who went shopping with her grandma. They went to a big mall and Lucy bought a new dress for a party. Her grandma bought some shoes and they both had ice cream at the food court. The audio was really clear and I could hear everything they were saying.
    The last part of the test was about a man named Mark who was traveling in Europe. He visited countries like France, Italy, and Spain. He tried different foods and saw famous landmarks like the Eiffel Tower and the Leaning Tower of Pisa. Mark took lots of pictures and talked to locals in English. It was so interesting to hear about his adventures!
    Overall, I had a great time taking the listening test on Keke English. I practiced my listening skills and learned new words and phrases. I can’t wait to take the next test and keep improving my English. If you want to improve your English too, I highly recommend try
ing out the Keke English listening tests. They are so much fun! See you next time, guys! Bye!
2021年6月英语四级准考证打印入口    Oh my gosh, guys! I just listened to the June 2023 CET-4 listening test on Kiki English () and it was sooo crazy! The test had four sections and each one was full of surprises. Let me tell you all about it!
    In the first section, they played a conversation between two students talking about their summer vacation plans. One of them was going to the beach while the other was going camping in the mountains. It was so cool to hear about all the fun things they were going to do. I wish I could go on vacation too!
    The second section was a lecture about polar bears and how they are being affected by climate change. It was really sad to hear that their ice habitats are melting and they are having trouble finding food. We need to take care of our planet so that animals like polar bears can survive.
    Next, there was a discussion between a professor and a student about the importance of reading in today's world. The professor talked about how reading helps us learn new things and improve our vocabulary. I love reading, so I totally agree with them!
    Finally, the last section was a news report about a new technology that can clean up ocean pollution. It was so amazing to hear that scientists are working on ways to protect our oceans and marine life. I hope they can make a big difference!
    Overall, the CET-4 listening test was super interesting and I learned a lot from it. I can't wait to see what the next test will be about. I'll definitely keep listening to Kiki English for more fun and exciting listening practice. Bye for now!
    Hello everyone! I'm here to tell you a story about a dog named Max and his adventures during the summer of 2023.