    Oh my goodness, the English CET-4 exam in June is finally over! It was super tough, but I did my best to answer all the questions. Now, I can't wait to share with you guys all the answers I wrote in the exam!
    Firstly, in the reading part, there were some pretty challenging passages about global warming and technology development. But thankfully, I managed to understand them and answered all the questions correctly. I even used some new vocabulary words that I learned recently, like "sustainable" and "innovative".
    Next, in the listening part, there were some tricky conversations between people talking about their travel experiences and study plans. I had to listen carefully to catch all the details, but I believe I got most of them right. The question about choosing the best university for stud
ying abroad was a bit confusing, but I think I made a good guess.
    Moving on to the writing part, the essay topic was about the importance of learning a second language. I wrote about how learning a second language can help us communicate with people from different cultures and broaden our horizons. I also mentioned the benefits of being bilingual in today's globalized world. I hope the examiners will like my essay!
    Lastly, in the translation part, I had to translate a passage from Chinese to English. It was about the history of the Great Wall of China and its significance in Chinese culture. I tried my best to capture the meaning of the original text and maintain good grammar and vocabulary in English. I hope my translation was accurate and well-written.
    Overall, I feel pretty confident about my performance in the exam. I prepared for it by studying hard and practicing my English skills every day. Now, I just have to wait for the results to come out and see how I did. I'm keeping my fingers crossed and hoping for the best!
    That's all for now, guys! I'm so glad to share my CET-4 exam experience with you. I hope you all did well in the exam too. Let's keep working hard and improving our English together! See you next time! Bye-bye!
    Hey guys, do you want to know the answer to the English Cet-4 test in June 2019? Well, I got you covered! Let me tell you all about it.
    The listening part was super easy, with questions about daily life and simple conversations. The first section was about a girl buying a ticket for a movie, and the second section was about a man ordering food at a restaurant. All you had to do was listen carefully and choose the correct answer.
    The reading part was a bit tricky, with passages about history and science. One passage was about the Industrial Revolution, and another was about the theory of evolution. You had to read carefully and answer questions about the main ideas and details.
    The writing part was the most challenging, with two essay questions to choose from. One was about the benefits of traveling, and the other was about the impact of social media on society. You had to write at least 250 words and support your arguments with examples.
2021年6月英语四级准考证打印入口    Overall, the test wasn't too hard if you studied and practiced beforehand. Just remember to stay calm and focused during the exam, and you'll do great! Good luck, everyone!