    My Winter Break Adventure
    Hi everyone! My name is Lily and I'm 8 years old. I just had the most amazing winter break and I can't wait to tell you all about it!
    It all started on the last day before our two week vacation from school. My best friend Emma and I were talking about our plans. Emma said her family was going to visit her grandparents in Florida. That sounded like a lot of fun, but I was way more excited about my family's plan. My mom and dad told me we were going on a big adventure!
    "Where are we going?" I asked about a million times. They just smiled really big and said it was a surprise. A surprise vacation? This was going to be the best winter break ever!
    Finally the day came to leave. We woke up super early and my dad loaded up the car with all our suitcases. I looked out the window as we drove away from our house. "Are we going to the airport?" I thought we might be going to Florida like Emma. But we just kept driving.
    After a few hours, I saw a big sign that said "Welcome to Rocky Mountain National Park!" I'd never been to the Rocky Mountains before but I learned all about them in school. They're this huge mountain range that goes through Colorado and other states in the western United States. There are tall snowy peaks, forests, rivers, and all kinds of cool wildlife like bears, moose, and bighorn sheep. I could hardly believe we were really going there!
    We drove further into the park until we reached a small town. That's where we were staying - an adorable little log cabin with a fireplace! Our cabin was right near the edge of the forest too. As soon as we arrived, I ran outside to look around. There were huge pine trees everywhere and the ground was covered in fresh white snow. The air smelled so clean and crisp. This was already the greatest vacation of my entire life.
    Over the next few days, we did lots of fun winter activities. One morning, my dad took me on a little hike to explore the snowy forest near our cabin. We saw a bunch of deer and some amazing icicles hanging from the trees. I tried catching snowflakes on my tongue too! That night, we built a fire in our fireplace, made hot chocolate and s'mores, and Mom and Dad told ghost stories. The best one was about a yeti (the abominable snowman) living high up on the mountain peaks!
    Another day, we went sledding down this huge hill. Have you ever gone sledding before? It's where you ride a sled really fast down a snowy slope. I went so fast that I couldn't stop laughing! We had a big, funny snowball fight too. Dad's snowballs were no match for my powerful throws though. He'll have to practice his aim for next time!
    On Christmas Eve, we drove to another part of the park to go ice skating on a frozen lake. The lake was surrounded by gigantic snow-covered mountain peaks - it looked like something out of a fairy tale! We rented ice skates and Mom helped me practice skating since it was my first time. I fell down a bunch and got pretty wet, but it was still really fun.
    That night after skating, we had a delicious Christmas Eve dinner at a cute
    December 2021 College English Test Band 4
    Passage for Reading Comprehension
    Hi friends! My name is Xiaoming and I'm 8 years old. I love learning English because it's such a fun language. I took a really big important test last December and I wanted to tell you all about it!
    The test was called the College English Test Band 4. I know that sounds really hard for a kid like me, but they actually let students of all ages take it if we want to challenge ourselves. The test had listening, reading and writing sections. I was a little nervous, but also excited to show off my English skills.2021年6月英语四级准考证打印入口
    The listening part was first. I had to listen to recordings and answer multiple choice quest
ions about what I heard. There were conversations between people as well as lectures and news reports. Some of the accents were hard for me to understand at first, but I've been practicing by watching lots of English cartoons and movies. I tried my best to listen carefully for the key details.
    After listening it was time for reading comprehension, which is my favorite part. We had to read some really long passages and answer questions about the main ideas, details, writer's purpose and other things like that. One passage was about the history of railways in Britain, which was pretty interesting even though I don't know much about trains. Another was discussing the importance of preserving ancient languages. That one was cool because I love learning about different cultures.