
Why do kids hate Brussels sprouts(芽甘苦)? Because Brussels sprouts are bitter,and kids generally don't like bitter tastes. But it's not their _61 _. Researchers say that a dislike for bitter and sour is a survival instinct,since most toxic substances _62_ that way too. On the other hand, sweetness typically indicates that something is _63_ to eat, so children are born with a _64_ for sweets.
What we like to eat changes over time. As we age, we realize that _65 _ something tastes bitter or sour,it won't kill us,and we learn to _66_ it. When we're older,we _67_ some of our smell sensitivity .Humans need smell to experience flavor, which is different from taste. With our senses diminished,we'll probably begin _68_ sugar and salt to our food,to heighten the flavor. _69_, there's a theory that the reason many especially "big"—tasting win
es in recent years have won awards is that wine critics are getting older and finding subtle flavors _70_ to sense.
If someone is_71_ to detect flavors at all,he may have a taste _72_,which can be caused by a tongue injury or brain damage. Or it could be a problem with _73_. The channel that separates the mouth from the nose allows us to smell behind our nose and is _74_ enjoying most complex flavors. That's why food seems _75_ when we have a stuffy nose-except chicken noodle soup. It's so salty.
61. A. fault               
B. choice
C. habit
D. regret
62.A. feel           
B. look
C. sound
D. taste
63. A. strange               
B. necessary
C. safe
D. ready
64. A. capacity                     
B. preference
C. awareness
D. consideration
65. A. now that                   
B. in case
C. if only
D. even though
66. A. enjoy                       
B. improve
C. treat
D. alter
67.A. form     
B. lose
C. reduce
D. gain
68. A. putting                             
B. balancing
C. adding
D. limiting
69. A. In essence                       
B. In conclusion
C. In fact
D. In short
70. A. softer                   
B. nicer
C. worse
D. harder
71. A. unlikely                       
B. unable
C. impossible
D. improbable
72. A. disorder                 
B. symptom
C. therapy
D. illusion
73. A. mood             
B. taste
C. flavor
D. smell
74. A. subject to                               
B. liable to
C. crucial for
D. beneficial for
75. A. delicious             
B. flavorless
C. bitter
D. smelly
61. A
62. D
63. C
64. B
解析:capacity, 能力;preference for 对......偏爱;awareness,意识;consideration, 考虑。根据句意,答案选B。
65. D
解析:now that,既然; in case,以防;if only,只要;even though, 尽管。根据句意,尽管有些东西尝起来酸或苦,但对我们并不构成威胁。存在转折关系,故选D。
66. A
解析:Enjoy,享受;improve, 改进;treat, 对待;alter,改变。根据句意,我们开始学习享受它,故选A。
67. B
解析: Form,形成;lose,失去;reduce,减少; gain, 获得。根据句意,失去嗅觉,故选B。
68. C
69. C
解析: in essence,本质上;in conclusion,总之;in fact, 事实上;in short, 简而言之。根据句意,事实上,有理论表明......故答案选C。
70. D
71. B
解析:由which can be caused by a tongue injury or brain damage可能由舌损伤或脑损伤引可知是不能够察觉任何气味,故答案选B。
72. A
解析:taste disorder 味觉障碍,故选A。
73. D