1.The number of the online shopping users has grown from 460 million to 660 million in the last five years.This means it has risen 43.4 percent.(  )
A. at    B. with    C. to    D. by
2.-- What do you think of Jack Ma
--He is full of always coming up with new ideas which lead to great changes in our daily life.(  )
A. invention    B. courage    C. advantages    D. experience
3.-- What's wrong with CindyShe seems to be in low spirits today.
-- She must be missing her family .She hasn't seen them for a long time after all.(  )
A. hardly    B. badly    C. exactly    D. closely
4.You pay too much attention to your handwriting,as it is so important in exams.(  )
A. shouldn't    B. can't    C. needn't    D. mustn't
5.-- I'm afraid I have failed the test again.
--Don't lose heart!What is not what happens to you in life but how you react to it.(  )
A. works    B. considers    C. minds    D. matters
6.-- It's already six o'clock.Why hasn't Tom shown up
--He promised he on time.He may appear in any minute.(  )
A. arrived    B. has arrived    C. will arrive    D. would arrive
7.-- He's seldom asked to do housework at home.What about you
-- .But we should help with housework to develop our living skills.(  )
A. So am I    B. So I am    C. Neither am I    D. Neither I am
8.How was your exam the day before yesterday
Oh I couldn't feel        I made few mistakes in it.(  )
A. worse    B. worst    C. better    D. best
9.The"996"work schedule is unhealthy and could cause people to lose interest in work health in life.(  )
A. as well as    B. as soon as    C. as good as    D. as long as
10.As modem technology is developing so rapidly,the world needs more pioneers like Thomas Edison and Madame Curie to unknown fields.(  )
A. give up    B. open up    C. take up    D. cheer up
11.-- Oh,dear.Don't be afraid.You have our support, you decide to do.
-- Many thanks.(  )
A. however    B. wherever    C. whatever    D. whenever
12.-- What a brave hero Qi Fabao is!He is Role Model of the Times.
-- That's true.I'm wondering .(  )
A. when and where did the border conflict 边境冲突 happen
B. how many deaths and injuries were there during the conflict
C. the fallen soldiers will be remembered by the country and its people
D. if the family members of the fallen soldiers will be taken good care of
13.-- Have you seen the film Hi,Mom directed by Jia Ling
-- Sure.____.Jia has already become one of China's most successful female filmmakers.(  )
A. Every dog has its day
B. One finger can't lift a small stone
C. Practice makes perfect
D. All things are difficult before they are easy
14.-- John was really a dark horse in the match.
-- .Nobody expected him to go so far.(  )
A. Me too    B. Good idea
C. That's all right    D. I couldn't agree more
A long time ago,in an ltalian city,people built a beautiful tower.A little further down the road,in a neighboring city,people there also built a tower of(15)beauty.The two towers were equally well known.
The people of the second city were envious (嫉妒的) and planned to destroy the neighboring tower.On a dank night,they came to the tower,with picks and shovels,and began to(16)dig it's foundations(地基).
The next morning the tower was leaning (倾斜) slightly,but(17)seemed to notice.Later a little girl who was passing by pointed up at the tower and said," "The tower is going to fall down!" Everyone around looked closely,and could see that she was right.
Nervousness spread (18)the city.They tried many ways to make the tower(19)but nothing worked.One day,when the same little girl was walking by again,she put her arm on the side of the tower to rest She felt the tower trembling (颤抖) slightly.When she took her hand off it,the movement and the noise stopped.And when she put it back on again,the same happened.The girl spent a while doing this until she discovered that the tower was ticklish (怕痒的)2021年江苏省省考公务员报名时间!
She ran to get some(20)and she planted them right next to the tower.Now(21)the tower leaned over any further,it would be tickled by the leaves.The tower would then have to(22)to where it had been.In this way,the girl(23)to make sure that the tower didn't fall down,but still kept it leaning a little.
In fact,it was the leaning that made it even more(24)and this taught a fine lesson to the envious people of the neighboring city.They tried to copy the leaning of the first tower,but failed.The tower ended up falling down,leaving the city without a tower.