    The Big English Test
    Hi there! My name is Xiaoming and I'm in 5th grade. A few weeks ago, I had to take a really big English test called the Heilongjiang Degree English Exam. It was super hard but I'll tell you all about it!
    First off, my mom and dad were really worried about this test for months ahead of time. They kept saying how important it was and that I needed to study a ton. I'm pretty good at English, but they made me take extra classes after school to get ready. It was no fun having to stay late and miss playtime!
    Finally, the day of the test arrived in late April. I was really nervous when I woke up. My sto
mach felt all twisty and I could hardly eat any breakfast. My parents kept trying to calm me down, but I was still super stressed.
    When we got to the test site, there were lots of other kids there looking just as worried as me. We had to enter a big room with lots of desks and chairs spread out. It felt just like being in class, but way bigger and scary!
    The test supervisor gave us all the rules sternly. No talking, no cheating, and definitely no bathroom breaks unless it was an emergency! Yikes, I was gonna have to hold it. Then she passed out the test booklets and I gulped. This was it!
    The first section was listening. We had to listen to recordings of people talking and answer questions about what they said. That part wasn't too bad since I'm used to English audio in my classes. Phew!
    Next up was the reading section and that's where things got really tough. The passages were soooo long and had all these big vocabulary words I didn't know. My brain felt like it was melting trying to understand it all. By the end my eyes were crossing!
    We got a quick break to rest, stretch, and use the restrooms if we needed. I definitely needed it after that crazy reading part! I snacked on a candy bar my mom packed to regain some energy.
    After the break, we had to tackle the writing section. We had to write a bunch of essays and paragraphs which is my worst subject. I'm much better at listening and speaking. I did my best but I'm sure I made a ton of grammar mistakes. Oops!
    The very last part was speaking, where we had to record ourselves answering prompts. Normally I'm fine with this, but I was so drained from the rest of the test. My mouth felt like it was full of cotton balls! I just wanted it to be over at that point.
    Finally, after what felt like an entire day (but was really just a few hours), the supervisor said we could leave. I felt so relieved, but also completely wiped out. That was way harder than any normal school test!
    On the way home, my parents asked how I thought I did. I just shrugged because honest
ly, I had no clue! Parts were okay but other parts were impossibly difficult. I didn't want to get my hopes up.
    A couple months later, the results came back. I...PASSED! I did well enough to get my degree certification. My parents were overjoyed and so proud of me. We went out for my favorite dumplings to celebrate.
    Looking back, that Heilongjiang English Exam was one of the biggest challenges I've ever faced as a kid. But I powered through and made it! It just shows that with enough hard work and perseverance, even really difficult goals are possible.
    I'm certainly glad that test is over with though. If you ever have to take it, make sure you get plenty of rest and study like crazy beforehand! It's no walk in the park, that's for sure. But you can do it if you believe in yourself. Jiayou!
    The Big English Test Day
    Wow, today was the big day - the Heilongjiang Postgraduate English Exam! I'm just a kid but my older sister Meiling had to take this huge test to try to get into a university master's program. She studied so hard for months and months. I watched her make flashcards, read thick books, and listen to English audio lessons over and over. She said this exam was really important for her future.
    The test was being held at the big university downtown. Early this morning, my dad drove Meiling to the campus. My mom packed her a good luck snack of dried berries and nuts. I drew her a picture of herself as a smart professor to cheer her on. Meiling looked nervous but tried to stay calm.
    When we got to the university, there were so many people! Hundreds of guys and girls, all dressed nicely, carrying backpacks and pencil cases. They looked focused and serious. The buildings were huge with long hallways and big rooms for the exams. I've never seen so many desks crammed together! The teachers checking people in looked strict but professional in their suits.