    My Super Awesome Lesson Plan for Introducing Myself in English!
    Hello friends! Today we are going to practice introducing ourselves in English. This is super important for the College English Test Band 4 speaking part. Get ready to learn some really cool phrases!
    First, we need to learn how to greet someone. You can say "Hi!" or "Hello!" Those are easy ones. If you want to be a little fancier, you can say "It's nice to meet you." That's what I'm going to teach my teddy bear.
    Next, we need to share our name. Simply say "My " and then your name. Like this: "My name is Jamie." You can also add your full name if you want: "My name is Jamie Elizabeth Rodriguez."
    Now let's talk about where we are from. You can say "I'" and then the name of your city and country. For example: "I'm from Chicago, Illinois in the United States." If your city is not well known, you can just say the country.
    After that, we should mention our age. Just say "" and then your age in years old. Like this: "I'm 10 years old." Older students can say their specific age.
    Introducing our family is important too. You can say "" and then list your family members. For instance: "I have two sisters, one brother, a mom and a dad." Or just "I'm an only child" if you don't have siblings.
    What else should we share? Oh yes, our hobbies and interests! Use "" or "" to talk about your hobbies. "I like playing soccer and reading comics. I also enjoy cycling and swimming." See? Easy peasy!
    We can't forget to talk about school and our dreams for the future! Say what grade you are in with "I'" And then say what you want to be when you grow up with "I want to be
" For me it would be: "I'm in 5th grade. I want to be an author and write fantasy books when I grow up!"
    Okay, I think those are the main points we need to cover. Let me give you an example introduction putting it all together:
    "Hi everyone! It's nice to meet you. My name is Jamie Elizabeth Rodriguez. I'm 10 years old and I'm from a small town called Sunnyvale in California, USA. I have one older brother named Michael. I'm in 5th grade and my hobbies are reading, drawing, and playing basketball. When I grow up, I want to be a teacher. Thank you for listening!"
    Pretty good right? I'll go over those points one more time:
    Where you're from
    School/future dreams
    Now YOU try introducing yourself! Use the sentence starters I provided and get creative adding your own details. Don't be afraid to use gestures and have fun with it. The more you practice, the better you'll get at fluent English introductions. You got this!
    Okay boys and girls, let's spend some time working on our self-introductions. Remember to speak loudly, clearly, and confidently. I'll go around and provide feedback. This is excellent practice for the College English Test Band 4 speaking section. Ganbatte (good luck in Japanese)!
    Self-Introduction Practice for the Big English Test
    Hello friends! Today we are going to practice introducing ourselves in English. This is really important for the big English test that some of you might take when you go to university. Let's get started!
    First, we need to learn some key phrases for introducing ourselves. Repeat after me:
    I'm ... years old.
    Those are the basics for stating your name, age, where you're from, where you live, what school you go to, and what grade you're in. Let's practice a bit:
    My name is Lucy. I'm 8 years old. I'm from Beijing. I live in Shanghai. I study at Sunshine Elementary School. I'm in 3rd grade.
    Now you try! Say your own self-introduction using those phrases.
    Great job! Next we need to learn how to talk about our families. Here are some useful family words:
    Mother/mom, father/dad, parents, sister, brother, sibling, grandmother/grandma, grandfather/grandpa, aunt, uncle, cousin
    And here are some phrases:
    I live
    I have __ brothers and __ sisters.
英语四级口语不考有影响吗    I'm an only child.
    I'm the oldest/youngest/middle child.
    For example:
    I live with my mom, dad, and little brother. I have one brother. I'm the older sibling.
    Now introduce your family using those words and phrases!
    Awesome! Hobbies and interests are another great thing to share. Here are some common hobby words: