Unit 1 单元测试
听 力 部 分 (40分)
听力材料:1.art room 2puter room 3.music room
4teachers' office 5.library
( 3 ) 
( 1 ) 
( 2 ) 
( 5 ) 
( 4 )
听力材料:1.It's on the second floor.   2.Where's your art room?
3Do you have a library?
4Classroom 1 is under Classroom 2.
5Go to the teachers' office.Say hello.
( × )1.It's on the first floor.
( × )2.Where's your classroom?
()3.Do you have a library?
( × )4.Classroom 1 is next to Classroom 2.
()5.Go to the teachers' office.Say hello.
听力材料:1.This is our music room.
2Let's go to the playground.  3.Go to the library.Read a book.
4Your computer room is so big.  5.Classroom 1 is on the second floor.
( B )1.   ( A )2.
( A )3.  ( B )4.
( A )5.
听力材料:1.Where's Classroom 3?  2.Do you have a computer room?
3Is this the library?  4.How many boys are there in your class?
5Your school is so beautiful!
( B )1.A.It's so big.  B.It's next to the teachers' office.
( A )2.A.Yes,we do.  B.Yes,we are.
( A )3.A.No,it isn't.  B.No,she isn't.
( B )4.A.I'm twenty.  B.Twenty.
( B )5.A.It's so beautiful.  B.Thank you!
笔 试 部 分 (60分)
( C )1.A.first      B.second      C.forty
( B )2.A.classroom  B.class  C.playground
( A )3.A.where  B.on  C.under
( C )4.A.this  B.that  C.is
( B )5.A.art  B.room  C.music
( B )1.A.We have ________ art room.
A.a  B.an  C./
( B )2.The computer is ________the first floor.
A.in  B.on  C.at
( A )3.Go to the ________.Read a book.
A.library  B.playground  C.music room
( C )4.________you have a music room?
A.Are  B.Is  C.Do
( C )5.Is it ________Classroom 3?
A.next  B.to  C.next to
( A )1.欢迎宾客来你校参观时,你应说:________
A.Welcome to our school.
B.Your school is so big.
( B )2.向对方介绍远处的建筑物是图书馆,你应说:________
A.This is the library.
B.That is the library.
( A )3.当你给别人引路时,你应说:________
A.This way,please.
B.Come here,please.
( B )4.去办公室递交作业时,你应说:________
A.Bye,Miss White.排序题
B.Here's my homework.
( B )5.你想知道图书馆是不是在二楼,你应说:________
A.It's on the second floor.
B.Is it on the second floor?
( × )1. This is the teathers' office.
()2. We have a playground.
( × )3. That is my school.
( × )4. Go to the music room.Sing and dance.
()5.Go to the garden.Water the flowers.