  ①There is a widespread humorous saying that ______(引⼊格⾔). Funny as it is, the saying ironically reflects the fact that ______(名⾔所反映的事实).
  ②Our life involves all kinds of obstacles and setbacks which may exhaust us. Therefore, ______ (中⼼论点). What's more, ______(进⼀步阐述中⼼论点). For example, ______(举例论证). Obviously, ______(得出本段结论).
  ③ All in all, ______(结论), just as the old popular saying goes, ______(呼应开头).
  ① ______(名⾔的指出者)’s famous remark makes it evident that ______(名⾔的含义).
  ②What ______(名⾔的指出者) remarked is just in line with my own mindset. In the first place, ______(论点⼀). In the second place, ______(论点⼆).
  ③Though, ______(辨证地论述问题).
2021年12月英语四六级成绩公布时间  ①_______(概述某事物的作⽤). However, as _____(相关⼈物)once put it, _____(引⽤名⾔). It is well established
that______ (给出论点).
  ②Blinded by ______(错误观念), we often take it for granted that ______ (错误观念). However, ______(指出现状). For instance, ______(举例说明现状). What’s more, ______(进⼀步举例说明).
  ③As far as I am concerned, ______(得出结论).
  ①The saying ______(引⽤名⾔). However, ______(指出论点).
  ②In my opinion, ______(给出⾃⼰的观点). Such examples might be given easily. ______ (举例论证⾃⼰的观点).
  ③Have you ______(提出疑问)? If not, ______(提出倡议).