    Hi everyone! My name is Timmy and I'm 8 years old. Today I want to tell you all about my summer vacation last year. It was the best summer ever!
    First, my family went on a big road trip. We packed up our car with snacks, games, and pillows and drove for like a million hours. Well, maybe not a million, but it felt that long! We sang songs, played I Spy, and my little sister Sally slept a lot.
    Our first stop was my aunt and uncle's farm. They have cows, pigs, chickens, and even a pony named Sugar. I got to feed the animals and gather eggs from the chicken coop. The eggs were still warm! One of the baby cows was born while we were there. He was so tiny and wobbly on his legs. My cousin Jack taught me how to milk the grown-up cows. It was harder than I thought!
    After the farm, we drove to the Grand Canyon. Mom says it's one of the natural wonders of the world. When I saw it for the first time, my jaw dropped to the floor! It was ginormous! We went hiking along the trails and spotted elk, squirrels, and birds. Dad pointed out different types of rocks and plants. My favorite was the bright red and orange rocks. They looked like they were on fire!
    Next, we visited an amusement park with the biggest roller coasters you've ever seen. I was a little scared at first, but then I rode the super loopy coaster like five times! We also went on spinning rides that made me dizzy, fun houses with trick mirrors, and my little brother Mikey's favorite - the bumper cars. He crashed into everybody! The best part was winning a giant stuffed bear that was taller than me by playing games. I named him Mr. Fuzzington.
    Then we drove to the beach and spent a whole week there. I built the most awesome sand castle, with towers, bridges, and a moat to keep out the invaders. Mom took a million pics of it before the tide came in and washed it away. I also learned how to boogy board an
d rode the waves like a pro surfer dude! Cowabunga! Mikey got stung by a jellyfish, but he was ok after putting some goop on it. We found a ton of cool seashells too. I gave some to my teacher when I got back.
    On the 4th of July, we had a big cookout and watched fireworks at night. The fireworks were crazy colorful and loud! Red, blue, green, purple - it was like the sky was exploding with sparkles. I stuffed my face with hot dogs, hamburgers, watermelon, and my grandma's famous potato salad. Yum!
    I also went to summer camp for two weeks and made some new friends. We went canoeing, had cool science experiments, played capture the flag, and performed skits around the campfire. My favorite was alien Movie Makers where we dressed up as aliens and made short films. I was the director! I got to yell "Action!" and "Cut!" It was awesome.
    Towards the end of summer, my family visited Niagara Falls on the Canadian side. We rode the Maid of the Mist boat right up to the falls and got soaked from the mist. It was like a million tons of water crashing down around us! So loud and powerful. Afterwards, we put 英语四级听力原文及音频
on goofy blue ponchos to stay dry. Mom and Dad looked hilarious.
    On the way home, we stopped at Hershey's Chocolate World in Pennsylvania. It was a chocolate lover's dream! Everything was made of chocolate or at least chocolate-scented. We learned how they make different candies on a factory tour and I got to put a Hershey's Kiss on the conveyor belt. In the bake shoppe, I decorated a huge chocolate cookie with sprinkles and M&Ms. Let's just say I had a major sugar rush!
    Phew, I'm getting tired just thinking about my super fun and adventurous summer. We did so much cool stuff and went to so many amazing places. I'll never forget the experiences, sights, and yummy foods I got to enjoy. Summer vacation is the best time of the year for kids! I can't wait to make more awesome memories this upcoming summer. The end!
    Hi, my name is Lily and I'm a 4th grader at Sunshine Elementary School. Today I want to
tell you all about my recent class field trip to the science museum! It was so much fun and I learned a ton of cool new things.
    Our bus arrived at the huge science museum right when it opened at 9am. We gathered in the lobby and our teacher, Mrs. Park, gave us instructions. "Alright class, we're going to split into four groups today, one for each section of the museum - space, human body, earth science, and physics. Your chaperone will lead you through the exhibits in that area."
    My best friend Sarah and I were grouped together for the space section, which made me really happy since that's my favorite topic. Our chaperone was Mrs. Lee, one of the parent volunteers. "Who's ready to explore the cosmos?" she asked excitedly. We all cheered and followed her upstairs.