12月英语四级作文预测:大学生开车上学英语角整理“12月英语作文预测及范文”供广大考生备考使用,预祝大家取得好成绩!PartIWriting(30minutes)Directions:Forthispart,youar eallowed30minutestowrite Part I Writing (30 minutes)  Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled Students’ Driving to School. You should write at least 120 words according to the outline given below.
1. 目前有不少大学生开车上学
2. 人们对此看法不一
3. 我的看法
Students’ Driving to School
Part I Writing
Students’ Driving to School
Students’ driving to school is no longer as rare as it was two decades ago. According to a news report, in Chongqing University alone, the number of student drivers now reaches over 50. MBA students included, the number will be up to 500.
People have different views on students’ driving to school. Some people say it is a natural phenomenon connected with China’s growth — millions of families can afford private cars now. Some consider it improper, since it will cause parking problems in the already crowded school. Still, there are people who worry that driving to school is showing off to some extent and might lead to blind netparison among students.
In my opinion, as long as students own cars and get driving licenses, they should be allowed to drive themselves to schools. After all, car is    a transportation tool. Like cycling and walking, driving just serves as a way to travel between school and home. Therefore, there is nothing to fuss over driving to school, even if the drivers are college students. 【参考范文二】
Students’ Driving to School
With the development of society, more and more families possess private cars, and many college students now drive themselves to school. This sparks off a heated debate on students’ driving to schoo
l.  Some are in favor of students’ driving to school. They
claim that it can save time to go to school or go home, especially for those living far off the campus. Besides, driving is a basic skill for future work, which is always required in job recruitment. On the contrary, some are against it. They hold that young drivers, known as road killers, are not careful enough in driving. “Li Gang Gate” incident is a typical lesson and should be prevented forever. What’s more, they believe that it is a way of showing off, an ill mental state.
For my part, I object to students’ driving to school. For one thing, driving to school adds a financial burden to many families. For another, parking is a serious problem. As more and more cars are parked in campus, our beautiful schools will be messy parking lots.
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