    English Answer:
    Preparation Plan for English Test Level 4。
    Phase 1: Foundation Building.如何备考英语四级
    Vocabulary Enhancement:
        Expand vocabulary through various sources, including textbooks, novels, magazines, and online resources.
        Use flashcards, online apps, or vocabulary notebooks to memorize new words.
        Focus on understanding word usage in different contexts.
    Grammar Reinforcement:
        Review fundamental grammar concepts and practice using them correctly in sentences.
        Identify common grammar mistakes and develop techniques to avoid them.
        Practice sentence construction and transformation to improve grammar accuracy.
    Phase 2: Skill Development.
    Reading Comprehension:
        Practice reading various texts to develop comprehension skills.
        Identify main ideas, supporting details, and inferential meanings.
        Enhance vocabulary and grammar knowledge to improve understanding.
    Listening Comprehension:
        Listen attentively to audio recordings to improve listening abilities.
        Develop strategies for comprehending unfamiliar accents and speech patterns.
        Practice note-taking and summarizing techniques to capture key information.
    Writing Proficiency:
        Practice writing various types of essays, including argumentative, narrative, and descriptive.
        Focus on developing clear and logical structures, strong supporting evidence, and effective language use.
        Translate texts from Chinese to English and vice versa to improve accuracy and fluency.
        Pay attention to sentence structure, vocabulary choice, and idiomatic expressions.