1.He lost his key,_______he had to wait for his wife's return in the cold.
2.We should protect our earth_______the air pollution.
3.Not only she but also we_______right.He as well as we_______right.
4._______a student,he was naturally interested in museums.
C.To be
D.Be to
5.Because Mary was________her thoughts,she didn’t hear what her mother said.
A.lost in
B.addicted to
D.tired of
6.When she fell ill,her daughter___________the business.
7.By5o'clock yesterday afternoon,we__more than35000yuan at the charity s ale.
B.have collected
C.would collect
D.had collected
8.Diana used________on the right of the road in China,but she soon got used__ _on the left in New Zealand.
< drive;driving
< drive;to drive
< driving;to drive
< drive;to driving
9.Do you still remember the chicken farm______we visited three months ago?
10.Mr.Smith wants to know_______Mrs.Smith likes the dress or not.
11.—May I take a week's holiday?I'd like to see my uncle in London.
—_____.We are very busy.
A.Don't mention it
C.Don't worry
D.Forget it
12.—Do you mind I smoke here?—_____.
A.No,please don’t
B.I’d rather you don’t
C.I don’t want you to
D.I’m afraid I don’t
13.—How about going shopping with me after class?
—____,because I have to do my homework.
B.I’d love to
C.Why not
D.I don’t think I can do that
14.—My Best friend lies to me.—_______.
A.What a nice person
B.That must be good
C.How could she do that to you
D.How are you feeling
15.—I bought this beautiful skirt at only$4._______.
—Yeah,it is a real bargain.
A.Isn't it beautiful?
B.What about?
C.Are you serious?
D.Isn't it wonderful?
16.—Could you tell me where the nearest bus station is?
—Well,I'll ask another one,thank you all the same.
A.Sorry,go along the street
B.Yes,I'm new here
C.Sorry,I'm new here.
D.Over there
17.—Do you think that swimming is a good idea?
It seems like a good idea,but _______.
A.I’m not really sure
B.I’m quite sure
C.I’m glad
D.I see
18.—You look so pretty in the new skirt.
—Where did you buy it?
A.Not at all
B.You are so kind
C.You are welcome
D.Thank you
19.—Thank you for the delicious dinner.
—Goodbye.A.Take care    B.It just so-so
C.I’m not good at it
D.I’m glad you enjoyed it 20.What’s the weather like now?
M:The radio says that it is going to be fine tomorrow.W:Really?I hope so.I don’t like cloudy days.
M:Have you finished reading A Brief History of Time ?W:Yes,I enjoy every page of it.
21.What are the two speakers probably talking about?
A.A book
B.A film
C.A game
D.A person
22.What’s the woman’s attitude towards the training?A.Positive    B.Disappointed    C.Negative    D.Depressed
23.How does the boy’s father usually go to work every day?
A.On foot
B.By underground
C.By bus
D.By car
24.Who are the two speakers
A.Mother and son
B.Shop assistant and customer
C.Teacher and student
D.Taxi driver and passenger
M:How do you like your job training?W:In my opinion,the training is necessary and educational.
M:My father goes to work early every day.W:How long does it take him to walk there?M:About twenty minutes.But sometimes he will take a bus if it rains.M:What can I do for you?W:Half a pound of cheese,please.M:Sure.Anything else?Yes,two pounds of butter,please.How much altogether?
M:I’m sorry,but I have to cancel out luncheon (午餐)appointment.W:I’m sorry to hear that.M:I have pressing business(紧急的事务)to attend to.W:No problem.We’ll make it later in the month.
25.How does the woman feel when she hears what the man said?
D.Regretful 第三节在本节中,你将读到一段对话,从方框中所给的A、B、C、D、E 五个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
W:Please sit down.Let’s see ...You’re Mr.Smith.Is that correct?
M:Yes.John Smith.
M:Yes,I am.I’ll graduate from college in the morning June.My major is Chinese.W:I see.___27__
M:Yes,I used to be a tour guide for Chinese travelers.
M:From what I’ve read,it seems that a starting pay would be around $12,000a year.
W:Here,you would start at $10,500for the first year.A kind training period.Then you would go to $15,000.
M:___29__.What do you think are the chances for me to get a job here?A.Have you ever done any work in this field ?  B.That sounds fair enough.C.Good luck!  D.And you 're interested in this job?E.How much money do you expect to have for a year?