The 2019 English II Cloze Test for the Postgraduate Entrance Examination (New Oriental)。
The cloze test is an essential part of the English II section in the Postgraduate Entrance Examination. It is designed to assess candidates' vocabulary, grammar, and reading comprehension skills. In this article, we will analyze the 2019 English II cloze test from New Oriental and provide some strategies to help you improve your performance in this section.
The passage for the cloze test in the 2019 English II exam was about the benefits of laughter. It highlighted the positive effects of laughter on physical and mental health. The passage started by stating that laughter is not only a universal language but also a powerful tool for improving well-being.
To begin with, the passage emphasized the physical benefits of laughter. It mentioned that laughter can boost the immune system, increase blood flow, and reduce stress hormones. Furthermore, laughter was shown to have a positive impact on cardiovascular health by improving blood vessel function and reducing the risk of heart disease.
Moving on, the passage discussed the psychological benefits of laughter. It stated that laughter can alleviate anxiety and depression by releasing endorphins, which are natural mood enhancers. Moreover, laughter promotes social bonding and improves relationships by creating a positive and enjoyable atmosphere.
In addition to the physical and psychological benefits, the passage also highlighted the social benefits of laughter. It mentioned that laughter is contagious and can spread happiness and positivity among individuals. Furthermore, laughter can help break down barriers and foster a sense of unity among people from different backgrounds.
To excel in the cloze test, it is crucial to have a good command of vocabulary and grammar. The passage contained various vocabulary words related to health and well-being, such as immune system, cardiovascular, and endorphins. Therefore, it is important to expand your vocabulary by reading extensively and practicing word usage in context.
In terms of grammar, the passage included different verb tenses, such as present simple, present continuous, and present perfect. It is essential to have a solid understanding of the
se tenses to accurately complete the cloze test. Reviewing grammar rules and practicing with sample exercises can help improve your grammar skills.
Furthermore, it is important to read the passage carefully and pay attention to the context. Understanding the main idea and the flow of the passage can help you make more accurate choices for the missing words. Additionally, it is beneficial to read the entire passage before starting to fill in the blanks, as this can provide a better understanding of the overall content.
In conclusion, the 2019 English II cloze test from New Oriental focused on the benefits of laughter. It highlighted the physical, psychological, and social advantages of laughter, emphasizing its positive impact on overall well-being. To perform well in the cloze test, it is crucial to have a strong vocabulary, solid grammar skills, and a good understanding of the passage's context. Practice with sample exercises and read extensively to improve your performance in this section. Remember, laughter is not only good for your health, but it can also help you succeed in the Postgraduate Entrance Examination.