英 [ʃɪft]
美 [ʃɪft]
v. 转移;挪动;赶快;快速移动;变换;更替;变动
n. 改变;转移;转换;变换;班;轮班;轮班工作时间;轮班职工
第三人称单数: shifts 复数: shifts 现在分词: shifting 过去式: shifted 过去分词: shifted
shift about (v.+adv.)
四处飘荡 move about
shift away (v.+adv.)
搬走; 吹散 move off; drive sth away
shift down (v.+adv.)
换慢挡 change lower gear
make shift
shift a blame 诿过
shift a burden 卸负担
shift responsibility 推卸责任
shift scenery 换布景
shift impatiently 焦急地走来走去
shift momentarily 立刻转移
shift nervously 焦急地移动
shift restlessly 不停地移动
shift uneasily 不易移动
shift about〔round〕 到处移动〔流动〕,移居各地
shift the bookshelf about 把书架掉个向
shift the furniture about 移动家具
shift away 移走shift off 卸掉,回避,走开
shift off an argument 回避论点
shift off a responsibility 推卸责任
2019考研英语二真题及答案完整版shift the piano up to room 把钢琴搬到房间里
shift for a living 设法谋生
shift for oneself 自力更生
to 把…从…移动〔搬到…〕
shift from the defensive to the offensive 由防御转入进攻
shift from the first gear to the second gear 从排档转到第二排档
shift from Vienna to Berlin 从维也纳转移到柏林
shift into 转移进…
shift into neutral 转为中立
shift dust off the street 把尘土从街上冲走
shift all the blame onto others 把一切责任推给别人
shift sth out of the way 把某物从路上清除掉
shift the rubbish out of the way 把垃圾从路上清除掉
shift to the north 转向北面
shift to a place (人)调到某地,(物)搬到某处
bring about〔produce〕 a shift 产生变化
change shifts for duty 换班
go off〔on〕 shift 下〔上〕班
make a shift with 设法做
resort to a shift 采取手段
try every shift 尽一切办法
double shift 两班工作
functional shift 功能转换
alternating shift 轮班
eight-hour shift 八小时一班工作制
every shift 一切办法
day〔night〕 shift 白〔夜〕班
split shift 间隔班
vowel shift 元音的音变
three shifts 三班工作
by shifts 轮班
in alternating shift 轮班地,交换地
on the shift 上班
a shift in emphasis 重点的转移
a shift in〔of〕 wind 风向的转变
a shift of clothes 换衣服
a shift of crops 庄稼的轮作
1.If the stain still doesn't shift, try this.
2.Some suppliers were selling at a loss to shift stock. 
3.Attitudes to mental illness have shifted in recent years .
4.He stopped, shifting his cane to his left hand.
5.It was a vain attempt to shift the responsibility for the murder to somebody else .
6.A sudden shift in the wind warned of the coming storm.
7.His father worked shifts in a steel mill. 
8.Someone has shifted my bicycle and I can't find it.
9.These tree belts protected 500,000 acres of farmland against shifting sand.
1.I feel like this is a shift away from a subject matter-based curriculum to a more experiential curriculum or learning.