    My Mommy's Big English Test
    Hi there! My name is Xiaoming and I'm 8 years old. I go to Sunshine Elementary School here in Yantai. My mommy is an English teacher at the Yantai Automotive Engineering Vocational College. She's really good at English and loves teaching it to her students. But last week, she had to take a really big test called the "English Teacher's Exam" and she was super nervous!
    Mommy said the test was really, really important. If she passed, she could keep being an English teacher at the vocational college. But if she failed, she might have to find a new job! That made me really worried because I love my mommy's job. She gets to teach people English all day and help them learn about other countries and cultures. It sounds like so muc
h fun!
    For weeks before the test, our house was covered in books, papers, and notes. Mommy was studying day and night, trying to make sure she knew everything for the exam. She kept muttering words like "grammar", "vocabulary", "reading comprehension", and "writing skills" under her breath. I didn't really know what all those big words meant, but I knew they were important for the test.
    Sometimes, when Mommy was taking a break from studying, she would practice her English with me. She would ask me questions like "What did you do at school today?" or "What's your favorite food?" in English. At first, I didn't understand what she was saying, but after a while, I started picking up on some of the words and phrases. It was like a fun game trying to figure out what she meant!
    The night before the big test, Mommy was so nervous that she could barely sleep. She kept tossing and turning, mumbling English words and sentences. I tried to comfort her by giving her a big hug and telling her that she was the best English teacher ever. She smiled
and hugged me back, saying that she would do her best on the test.
    Finally, the day of the exam arrived. Mommy woke up early, put on her nicest clothes, and headed off to the vocational college. I gave her a kiss on the cheek and wished her good luck. Then, I went to school, but I couldn't stop thinking about Mommy and her test all day.
    When I got home from school, Mommy was already back. She looked exhausted but happy. "How did it go?" I asked excitedly.
    Mommy scooped me up in a big hug and said, "I passed! The test was really hard, but all my studying paid off. I'm so relieved and proud of myself."
    I was overjoyed! I gave Mommy the biggest hug ever and told her how amazing she was. We celebrated by ordering pizza for dinner and watching a movie together. Mommy kept thanking me for being so supportive and for practicing English with her. She said that having a little study buddy like me helped her stay motivated and focused.
    After that, things went back to normal. Mommy continued teaching her English classes at the vocational college, and I continued going to elementary school. But whenever I saw Mommy grading papers or preparing lessons, I couldn't help but feel a sense of pride. My mommy had worked so hard and overcome a huge challenge to keep doing the job she loved.
    And who knows, maybe one day I'll become an English teacher too, just like my amazing mommy. But for now, I'm just happy that she gets to keep sharing her love of English with her students. Way to go, Mommy!
    My English Teacher's Big Exam
    Hi everyone! My name is Xiaoming and I'm in 5th grade. I have to tell you about something really cool that happened to my English teacher, Miss Wang. She's the best English teacher ever and all the kids love her class because she makes it so much fun.
    A few months ago, Miss Wang told us she was going to take a big important exam to become an even better English teacher. It was at this place called Yantai Automotive Engineering Vocational College. I'm not really sure what that place is, but it sounds kind of boring if you ask me. Who wants to learn about cars and engines all day? I'd much rather learn English from Miss Wang!
    Anyways, Miss Wang was really excited but also really nervous for her exam. She stayed up late every night for weeks studying These huge stacks of books and papers. Whenever we had English class, she would quiz us on random vocabulary words to practice. I didn't mind though, because she would let us sing silly songs and play games after if we got most of the words right.
    Finally, the big day arrived when Miss Wang had to go take her exam. She gave us all these special projects to work on while she was gone so we wouldn't disturb the other classes. I made a good luck card for Miss Wang out of construction paper. I drew a big smiley face on it and wrote "Good luck Miss Wang! You're the best English teacher EVER!"