关键词  试题;管理;分析
Gradually infiltrated into the network at all levels of social life today, the traditional test methods are also faced with change, and the network test is a very important direction. Web-based test system is an extension of the traditional test, coupled with the use of database technology has greatly simplified the traditional examination process. Therefore the network test system is indispensable for e-teaching an important part. Therefore, the examination method is better for the network test, candidates have passed the name, ticket number or password to log in, papers based on the content of questions in real-time generation, can avoid the pressure of the title before the exam; and a large number of standardized test can be used in order to use computer grading has greatly enhanced the efficiency of marking; results can also be sent directly to the database, statistics, sorting an
d other operations. Therefore, the way a network will be the examination after the examination of trends in development.
This paper introduces students to the examination system needs analysis, design and detailed design process. The use of JSP technology development to achieve the examination system, it has a user login authentication, users online examinations, dynamic random questions, automatic grading, user management, test management, performance management and other functions. The main thesis of a powerful line of re-examination system, as well as the background to operate a number of key technologies. The main candidates of the system of information generated by students, examination candidates to enter a user name, matching the right candidates into the interface section of the main candidates have a formal examination, automatic score components, the key achievement of the candidates after the registration form to enter the examination, the examination time examination time, and the finished paper automatically after the score, archiving. Administrator to enter the administrator interface, the administrator interface by subject management, user management, performance management module.