As a high school student from Sichuan, I have been preparing for the English exam for the college entrance examination. I have been studying English for many years and I understand the importance of this subject for my future. In the English exam, there are several types of writing tasks, including narrative writing, argumentative writing, and descriptive writing. These tasks require different skills and strategies to complete successfully.
For narrative writing, I usually start with a clear and engaging introduction that sets the scene and introduces the characters. Then, I develop the plot using descriptive language and dialogue to make the story come alive. I pay attention to the pacing of the story and make sure to include a resolution at the end. I also try to use a variety of sentence structures and vocabulary to make my writing more interesting.
In argumentative writing, I focus on presenting a clear thesis statement and supporting it with evidence and examples. I make sure to consider opposing viewpoints and address them in my essay. I use logical reasoning and persuasive language to convince the reader of my poin
t of view. I also pay attention to the structure of my essay, making sure to have a strong introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion.
For descriptive writing, I work on creating vivid and sensory details to paint a picture for the reader. I use figurative language and sensory imagery to bring the setting and characters to life. I also focus on organizing my ideas in a logical and coherent manner, using transitions to move smoothly from one idea to the next.
Overall, I have been working hard to improve my English writing skills in preparation for the college entrance examination. I have been practicing regularly and seeking feedback from my teachers and peers to help me improve. I believe that with dedication and effort, I can perform well on the English exam and achieve my goal of attending a prestigious university.