1、 For more information, please _______ us as soon as possible. [单选题] *
A. confident
B. confidence
C. contact(正确答案)
D. concert
2、13.________ it rains heavily outside, Lily wants to meet her children at once. [单选题]*
B.Although (正确答案)
3、Your homework must_______ tomorrow. [单选题] *
A. hand in
B. is handed in
C. hands in
D. be handed in(正确答案)
4、Tom didn’t _______ his exam again. It was a pity. [单选题] *
A. fail
B. win
C. pass(正确答案)
D. beat
5、56.Sam is in a hurry. Maybe he has got ________ important to do. [单选题] *
6、You can't rely on Jane as she is _____ changing her mind and you will never know what she is going to do next. [单选题] *
A. occasionally
B. rarely
C. scarcely
D. constantly(正确答案)
7、Grandfather lives with us. We all _______ him when he gets ill. [单选题] *
A. look after(正确答案)
B. look at
C. look for
D. look like
8、 If you want to _______, you’d better eat more healthy food and do more exercise. [单选题] *
A. keep fat
B. keep calm
C. keep healthy(正确答案)
D. keep on
9、The trouble turned out to have nothing to do with them. [单选题] *
A. 由… 引发的
B. 与… 有牵连
C. 给…带来麻烦
D. 与…不相干(正确答案)
10、_____you may do, you must do it well. [单选题] *
11、 Every year Carl _______ most of his time swimming, camping and traveling with his parents. [单选题] *
A. is spending
B. spent
C. will spend
D. spends(正确答案)
12、 Which is _______ city, Shanghai, Beijing or Chengdu? [单选题] *
A. large
B. larger
C. largest
D. the largest(正确答案)
13、The students in that university are not fewer than()in our university. [单选题] *
A. the one
B. that
C. them
D. those(正确答案)
14、55.There is a ________ on in the bookshop. Let's go to buy some books. [单选题] *