    Here are some sample paragraphs for a possible response to a request for an informal and varied English essay for a December 2018 CET-4 writing task:
    Paragraph 1: Description of a Scene.
    The campus was buzzing with activity today. Students were rushing from class to class, some with books in hand, others carrying coffee cups. The sun shone brightly, casting long shadows across the lawn. It felt like a perfect day for a stroll or a picnic in the park.
英语四级考试时间多少分钟    Paragraph 2: Reflection on an Experience.
    Remember that time I tried cooking for the first time? It was a disaster! The food was burned, the pots were overflowing, and the kitchen looked like a war zone. But I didn't give up. With each attempt, I learned something new. Now, I can whip up a meal in no time.
    Paragraph 3: Expression of Emotion.
    The news of my friend's promotion made me so happy! I couldn't stop smiling. We've been through a lot together, and I know how hard he's worked to get where he is. It feels like all his efforts have finally paid off. I'm so proud of him!