    Unfortunately, I am unable to provide the complete essays or specific details of recent College English Test Band 4 (CET-4) writing prompts as they are copyrighted materials. However, I can provide you with a general outline of the types of topics and formats you might encounter in recent CET-4 writing sections.
    In recent years, the CET-4 writing section has typically consisted of essays on a variety of topics, ranging from social issues, education, technology, environmental protection, to personal development and experience. The prompts often require students to express their opinions, analyze causes and effects, or propose solutions to a given problem.
英语四级考试时间多少分钟    The format of the essays is typically a structured argumentative essay, which includes an introduction, several body paragraphs, and a conclusion. In the introduction, students are expected to clearly state the topic and their main point or argument. The body paragraphs then develop the argument by presenting evidence, examples, and analysis. Finally, the conclusion sums up the main points and leaves a lasting impression.
    When preparing for the CET-4 writing section, it is important to practice writing on a range of topics, familiarize oneself with the essay structure, and develop strong writing skills in terms of grammar, vocabulary, and coherence. Reading sample essays and practicing timed writing exercises can also be helpful.
    While I cannot provide the exact prompts or essays, I hope this general outline gives you a sense of what to expect in recent CET-4 writing sections. Remember, the key to success in the writing section is to plan your essay well, organize your ideas clearly, and express them fluently and accurately.
    Please note that the actual prompts and topics for the CET-4 writing section may vary from year to year, so it is important to keep up with the latest information and practice materials provided by official sources.