1. The research team decided to use an underwater ______ saw to cut the ship into sections before lifting it up.
A. electric B. electrical C. electrifying D. electrician
2. A well-meaning lady gave Robert a wrong _____ and he finished at the theatre instead of the school.
A. advice B. information C. direction D. way
3. If you keep getting wrong numbers, your phone could be _____.
A. deceptive B. defective C. deficient D. ineffective
4. Researchers claim it’s all the high-rises in this area that make the _____ on television sets so poor.
A. station B. reaction
C. programme D. quality
5. Mr. Johnson is ______ to our party.
A. more than pleased to come
B. pleased more than to come
C. more pleased than to come
D. more pleasing than to come
6. Ms Simms is very sensitive ______ criticism.
A. of
B. in
C. to
D. on
7. It is an exception ________ the rules.
A. of
B. in
C. against
D. to
8. She solved the problem _________a stroke.
A. on
B. of
C. at
D. through
9. Death always taken us _________ surprise, even though we know it is inevitable.
A. in
B. out of
C. by
D. through
10. The lady insists on her constitutional right _______ a passport in her maiden name.
A. on
B. to
C. into
D. that
11. Human behavior is mostly a product of learning, _______ the behavior of a animal depends mainly on instinct.
A. whereas
B. so
C. unless
D. that
12. Wood furniture does not depreciate in value _______ properly handled and protected.
A. if
B. has
C. and
D. that
13. I am determined that my son ______ have a better start than I did.
A. can
B. shall
C. must
D. will
14. You ________ drive fast, there is a speed limit here. Moreover, we have plenty of time, so you ______ drive so fast.
A. mustn't, needn't
B. needn't, needn't
C. mustn't, mustn't
D. needn't, mustn't
15. You _______ worry about her. She ______ well already.
A. needn't, may get
B. don't need, may get
C. mustn't, gets
D. needn't, may have gets
16. Though the hotel has only been open for a few days, it is already ____A____ booked.
A. heavily B. expectantly C. immediately D. quickly
17. Such euphemisms may be stylistically “permissible” if they are kept within
A. boundaries
B. ranges
C. borders
英语四级考试时间多少分钟D. limits
18. “Anyone who followed my __A_____ of rules would be blossed with a richer life and boundless love from his family.” David said.
A. set
B. packet
C. group
D. pack
19. Richard asked me to ___C__ the age of Aaron Copland, the American composer of ballet music, when he composed Billy the Kid?
A. suppose
B. wonder
C. guess
D. think
20. The rising numbers of those out of work will add greatly to the government’s_B___problems.
A. high
B. steeply
C. hard
D. rocket
Space is a dangerous place, not only because of meteors(流星) but also because of rays from thesun and other stars.The atmosphere again acts 1 our protective blanket on 2 .Light gets through, and thisis essential 3 plants to make the food which we 4 .Heat, 5 , makes our environments tolerable and some ultraviolet rays(紫外线的) penetrate the 6 .Cosmic(宇宙的) rays of various kinds come 7 the air fromouter space, but 8 quantities of radiation from the sun are screened off. 9 men leave the atmosphere theyare 10 to this radiation; 11 their spacesuits or the walls of their spacecraft, if they are inside, 12 prevent alot of radiation damage.Radiation is the greatest known danger to explorers in 13 .Doses of radiation are measured in 14 called“rems (雷目)”.We all 15 radiation here on earth from the sun, from cosmic rays and from radioactive minerals.The“ 16 ”dose of radiation that we receive each year is about twomillirems; it 17 according toswheresyou live, and this is a very rough estimate.Scientists have reason tothink 18 a man can 19 far more radiation 20 without being damaged; the figure of 60 rems has beenagree D.