Alright, here's a draft of the instructions for printing the TEM-8 (Test for English Majors, Grade 8) admission ticket in an informal and conversational English style, while maintaining the required diversity in language expression:
    Hey, you're about to print your TEM-8 admission ticket, right? Well, let's make it quick and easy.
    First up, make sure you've got a printer ready and some good quality paper. Yeah, you know, not the one that tears easily.
    Now, log in to the website where you registered for the exam. You'll find a link to download your ticket. Click on it, and the ticket will start downloading.
    Once it's downloaded, check the details carefully. Name, exam center, date, all that. Make sure everything is correct.
    Alright, now for the printing part. Choose the "Print" option from your file menu. Select the right printer, set the paper size to A4, and hit "Print."
    Don't forget to check if the printout is clear and readable. If not, try again with better settings or a different printer.
    Oh, and one more thing. Keep a few extra copies just in case. You know, it's always good to have backups.
    So, that's it! Easy peasy, right? Good luck for your exam!