作者:魏来 赵春景 王娜 韦娜
        目的:了解重慶市基层医疗卫生机构药学人员的基本情况及药学服务开展情况,为更好地推动基层医疗卫生机构药学工作的开展提供参考。方法:采用问卷调查方法,对重庆市38个区县的基层医疗卫生机构药学人员基本情况及药学服务开展情况进行调查,据此进行统计分析并提出建议。结果:共发放机构一般情况问卷调查表1 147份,回收有效问卷调查表813份,有效回收率为70.88%;共发放药学人员基本情况及药学服务开展情况问卷调查表1 972份,回收有效问卷调查表1 904份,有效回收率为96.55%。受访社区卫生服务中心的药学人员平均为4.5人(214人),受访乡镇卫生院的药学人员平均为2.5人(012人),占卫生专业技术人员的比例分别为8.69%8.17%,且其中一部分为兼职的非该专业人员。受访机构药学人员最高学历以大专最多(占51.79%),其次为高中及中专(占21.64%);职称以药士最多(占34.35%),其次为药师(占30.04%);取得执业药师证书的仅占2.73%,取得国家卫生计生委临床药师岗位培训证书的人数为0。受访社区卫生服务中心和乡镇卫生院药学人员从事的工作岗位比例相对较高的依次为门诊药房(79.67%81.44%)、住院药房(32.94%56.5
        关键词 重庆;基层医疗卫生机构;药学人员;药学服务;调查
        Study on the Basic Situation of Pharmacy Staffs and the Development of Pharmaceutical Care in Chongqing Primary Health Care Institutions
        WEI LaiZHAO ChunjingWANG NaWEI NaDept. of Pharmacy the Second Affiliated Hospital of Chongqing Medical University Chongqing 400010 China
        ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE To investigate the basic situation of pharmaceutical staffs and the development of pharmaceutical care in Chongqing primary health care institutions and to provide references for promoting the development of pharmaceutical work in primary health care institutions. METHODS A questionnaire survey was conducted to investigate the basic situation of pharmaceutical staffs and the development of pharmaceutical care in primary health care institutions from 38 districts and counties of Chongqing and the data was analyzed statistically to put forward suggestion. RESULTS A total of 1 147 questionnaires about the general situation of primary health care institutions were sent out and 813 valid questionnaires were collected with effective recovery rate of 70.88%. A total of 1 972 questionnaires about the general situatio
n of pharmaceutical staffs and the development of pharmaceutical care were sent out and 1 904 valid questionnaires were collected with effective recovery rate of 96.55%. The average number of pharmaceutical staffs in the community health service center was 4.52-14 persons), that of pharmaceutical staffs in township hospitals was 2.50-12 persons), accounting for 8.69% and 8.17% of professional medical staffs respectively. Some of respondents were part-time nonprofessionals. The highest educational level of surveyed pharmaceutical staffs was college degree 51.79%), followed by high school degree and secondary school degree 21.64%. The professional titles were mostly assistant pharmacists 34.35%), followed by pharmacists 30.04%. Only 2.73% of the licensed pharmacist certificates were obtained and no one obtained the clinical pharmacist training certificate of National Health and Family Planning Commission. In community health service center and township hospital the higher proportion of the job positions of the pharmacists were in outpatient pharmacy 79.67% and 81.44%), inpatient pharmacy 32.94% and 56.57%), TCM pharmacy 27.54% and 40.85% and warehouse 22.20% and 24.05%); the lower proportion of the job positions of the
pharmacists were in clinical pharmacy room 1.40% and 0), laboratory 0.23% and 0 and PIVAS 0.23% and 0. Top 6 pharmaceutical care projects carried out by the community health service center included drug dispensing 100%), out-patient prescription comment 70.00%), ADR monitoring 62.67%), medication consultation 60.67%), antibiotics prescription comment 58.00%), medication education and medication guidance 50.00%); pharmaceutical outpatient service therapy drug monitoring and pharmacogenomics detection were not developed. The pharmaceutical care projects carried out by township hospital included drug dispensing 100%), ADR monitoring 62.29%), medication consultation 59.73%), medication education and medication guidance 53.85%), outpatient prescription comment 51.58%), and antibiotics prescription comment 45.40%); centralized intravenous pharmacy admixture and administration pharmaceutical outpatient service therapy drug monitoring and pharmacogenomics detection were not developed. CONCLUSIONS The pharmaceutical talents are short in Chongqing primary health care institutions and part-time staffs also have a certain proportion. The overall quality of pharm
aceutical staffs is not high and their professional skills and capabilities are limited. The institutions do not pay enough attention to pharmaceutical care and the development of pharmaceutical care is not ideal. To promote the development of pharmaceutical care primary health care institutions should pay more attention to pharmaceutical care increase the investment of funds in combination with the actual situation optimize post setting perfect the construction of institutions and strengthen the introduction and training of pharmaceutical staffs so as to constantly improve their professional level and pharmaceutical care capabilities and provide high-quality safe humanized and professional pharmaceutical care.
        KEYWORDS Chongqing Primary health care institutions Pharmaceutical staffs Pharmaceutical care Investigation
        1 对象与方法
        1.1 调查对象
        1.2 调查方法
        1.3 数据处理
        将调查获得的数据输入Excel 2013软件,采用SPSS 13.0统计学软件进行处理,所用方法为描述性分析方法。
        2 结果
        2.1 问卷调查表回收情况
        根据2014年重庆市卫生计生委统计数据,截至2014年底重庆市的社区卫生服务中心有202家,乡镇卫生院有945家,共1 147家;社区卫生服务中心和乡镇卫生院药学人员共约1 972人。故本次调查共发放机构一般情况问卷调查表1 147份,回收有效问卷调查表813份(涉及社区卫生服务中心150家、乡镇卫生院663家),有效回收率为70.88%;共发放药学人员基本情况及药学服务开展情况问卷调查表1 972份,回收有效问卷调查表1 904份(涉及社区卫生服务中心的药学人员428人、乡镇卫生院的药学人员1 476人),有效回收率为96.55%
        2.2 受访机构药学人员数量及占比情况
        2.3 受访机构药学人员基本情况
        受访机构药学人员基本情况见表2。由表2可见,受访机构的药学人员中,男、女性人数之比约为1 ∶ 2;年龄以≤30岁者最多(占33.25%);最高学历以大专最多(占51.79%),其次为高中及中专(占21.64%);工作年限以610年者最多(占28.05%);药事工作年限以≤5年者最多(占30.88%);职称以药士最多(占34.35%),其次为药师(占30.04%),而无职称或为其他专业职称的占27.57%;取得执业药师证书的仅占2.73%,取得国家卫生计生委临床药师岗位培训证书的人数为0
        2.4 受访机构药学人员工作岗位情况
        2.5 受访机构药学人员的药学服务开展情况
        3 讨论
        3.1 重庆市基层医疗卫生机构药学人员数量短缺