Lively music, singing and the sound of beating drums fill the room. As an orchestra(管弦乐队)plays, performers dressed in colorful costumes move across the stage(舞台). Welcome to Chinese opera.
Chinese opera is an important element(元素)of Chinese culture. Most operas are based on stories from long ago. The amazing stage performances are often set against grand backgrounds. Beautiful paintings, hand movements and martial arts(武术)help tell these famous stories.
There are more than 300 forms of Chinese opera, including Beijing Opera, Yue Opera, Yu Opera, Ge Zai
Xi and many other forms. Of all of them, Beijing Opera is the most famous. Beijing Opera combines(合并)singing, dancing and acrobatics. Instruments such as drums, bells and cymbals accompany(伴奏)the performances.
Facial design
Traditionally, performers used masks(⾯具)for their facial design. Today, however, performers use makeup. They paint colorful designs on their faces. These colors and designs help to create each character. For example, a brave character has a red face, while a black face means bold. A yellow and white face represents(代表)someone who is dishonest. Costumes
Costumes give clues(线索)to the performers’ characters and roles. Audiences(观众)that are familiar with opera will get to know a story by the masks and costumes. Costumes usually have many designs and colors. The same costume can be used in different shows, however, it will represent a different character.
Promoting the arts
Many colleges and schools in China desire(渴望)to keep the art of Chinese opera alive. They provide an education system for talented students. Applicants(应试者)must pass a written test, an audition(试镜)and an interview and only the most promising students are accepted to study at these colleges and schools. Once accepted into the program, students begin a seven-to-twelve-year journey through the school. After graduation, many go on to work as professional actors on stage or in the movies.
1. Of all forms of Chinese opera, which is the most famous?
A. Beijing Opera
B. Ge Zai Xi
C. Y u Opera
2. The character with a yellow and white face is________.
A. brave
B. dishonest
C. bold
3. What does the word promising mean in the passage?
A. 诚信的
B. 热情的
C. 有前途的
4. Which of the statements is NOT TRUE according to the passage?
A. Anyone who likes Chinese opera can be accepted into the program.
B. If a person knows opera well, masks and costumes will help know the story.
C. Once in the program, you have to study for 7 to 12 year at school.
5. What is the passage mainly talking about?
A. Chinese culture
B. Beijing Opera
C. Costumes and facial design
I remember…
Mary Chan asked her grandfather what he could remember about his secondary school. This is part of what he
I’ll never forget Mr. Tan. We called him Tiger Tan. He was our math teacher when I was in Sec 1. He was a wiry(筋⾻强壮的),muscular man and he was very strict. I never saw him smile while I was at school.
Mr. Tan was an excellent math teacher. He explained everything slowly and clearly on the blackboard. When he looked at the class, you had to be looking at his hawk-like eyes. He stared at us like a tiger facing a group of rabbits. If you weren't looking directly at him, he summoned(命令)you to the front of the class. Then he took "Joey" from his cupboard. "Joey" was a length of garden hose about half a metre long. After few painful wallops(猛)from "Joey" you paid attention all the time! Sometimes Mr.
Tan felt that the class was getting sleepy. Then he suddenly said, "Outside everybody! Round the school! RUN!" He stood at the door of the classroom, waiting for us to return. He had a slipper(拖鞋)and hit the last one or two pupils. I was usually the first back.
We were all scared of Tiger Tan. We didn't like him but we respected(敬重)him. He was a good teacher and was always fair.
We had a very different math teacher in Sec 3. He was Mr. Hu. He was cheerful and friendly.
When he entered the room, somebody would ask him how a camera worked. Then he spent the . rest of the lesson explaining how something worked. He drew diagrams on the board and sometimes one of us asked another question to keep him talking. Most of the class sat and day-dreamed about food or sport. We weren't really interested in cameras. We just wanted to avoid doing any work.
We liked Mr. Hu but we didn't respect him. We knew that we didn't learn much in his lessons.
6. In Mr. Tan's class, ________.
A. his students had to pay attention all the time
B. he drew diagrams and explained everything fast
C. he taught his students how to run around the school
7The underlined word "Joey" probably refers to ________.
A. a boy who wasn't' looking directly at Mr. Tan
B. something Mr. Tan used to punish his students
C. a rabbit that was facing a tiger
8. Mr. Tan asked his students to run outside to make them ________.
A. strong and healthy
B. refilled with energy
C. scared of him
9. In Mr. Hu's class, his students asked him about cameras because ________.
A. they wanted to avoid doing any work
B. they were really interested in cameras
C. Mr. Hu was good at explaining how cameras worked
10. Which of the following statements is TRUE?
A. The grandfather was often hit by Mr. Tan with a slipper.
B. Mr. Hu always explained everything slowly and clearly.
C. The grandfather didn't' learn much in Mr. Hu's class.
Someone's always watching
How do they get my information? Did you know that when you surf the Web, many
websites put secret software on your computer? The software collects a large amount of information a
bout you and sends it to Internet companies. The Internet companies sell it to other businesses. Your personal information can also be collected from social media(媒体)sites. There are many ways your information can be used.
What information do they collect and why? First, companies collect your information. The companies find out where you live, what websites you visit, and what you do online. With this information, they can guess other things about you. For example, they can guess if you are male or female, how old you are, and your interests. The companies use this information to decide which advertisements(⼴告)are best for you. Two people can go to the same website, but they will see different advertisements. For example, someone who likes sports could see an advertisement for sneakers, and someone who like films might see an advertisement for movie.
What do they do with my information? Your personal information could also be sold. Some companies collect information just so they can sell it to other businesses. A business that collects and sells personal information is called a data broker. When data brokers sell your information, a lot of different companies will know your online habits. Then these companies will advertise products or other websites to you.
What online habits are tracked(追踪)? Another way your personal information can be collected is through social media. When your information is on social media, a lot of people can see it. Even if you don't use social media, a friend might post a picture or video of you with your name on it. Pictures and videos can be shared for free on social media, which is one of the great benefits(福利). However, that same act of sharing could be problem for your own security(安全). If someone knows too much about you, they can steal your identity(⾝份). Then they can buy things online and post messages while pretending(假装)to be you.
Conclusion. All of your online habits can be recorded. Studying people's online habits is big business. Your personal information is very valuable to companies. That is how they know who to send their advertisements to. The Internet reaches almost every corner of the world, but the danger is that your personal information might travel that far, too.
11. All businesses collect a large amount of information about you online.
12. People who go to the same website may see different advertisements.
13. Data brokers collect your personal information for money.
14. If you don’t get online, your information will be safe.
15. Your personal information can go anywhere with the Internet.
A Better Way to Start Y our Day
Whether you love mornings or not, they’re a fact of life. If you hate then, here are some ways to make them less awful. If you’re a morning person, these tips can make mornings even better!
___16___ Be sure to get an adequate (⾜够的)amount of sleep. Most people need seven or eight hours of sleep to feel their best during the day. If you must get up at 5 or , go to bed early to get your eight hours. Turn off the TV, computer or smart phone and hit the hay. When you get enough sleep, you won’t feel sleepy. You can get out of bed on time. That will make your day better, too.
Turn on some music in the morning. Play any tunes you like. It doesn’t matter. ____17____ You’ll feel much happier as you start the day.
____18____ As your mother said, breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Your body is out of fuel (燃料)by morning. You need some to help you control your blood-sugar. That affects your mood(情绪)and energy for the day. Don’t watch TV or read a newspaper first thing in the morning. Your brain is fresh and ready to work on new things. Don’t fill it up with negative (消极的)information about the world and its problems. Instead, read something inspiring(⿎舞⼈的)or uplifting.____19____ Avoid answering QQ or WeChat first thing. Use that precious (宝贵的)morning time to get some exercise, eat breakfast and enjoy life. Check QQ or WeChat last before you leave your house. Then you’ll only have time to check the most important messages.____20____ Every day is a new day-enjoy it!
A. A good breakfast can make your day.
B. Your day will start better if you take time for the important things.
C. A good morning starts the night before.
D. Just turn on something that makes you feel good.
E. This will give you positive thoughts to start your day.
26.Please tell me your_____________/ ?`dres /. I will go to see you tomorrow.
27.I know the city well. Let me be your_____________/ ga?d /.
28.My mother is getting old. I have to be more_____________/pe??nt/ with her.
29.You shouldn’t read others’ _____________/`par?v?t / letters without permission.
30.Seeing their parents, the children_____________/ flu: / to meet them.
31.We are going to Hainan on vacation in __________/`febru?ri/.
32.He __________/r?`gretrd/ having missed that good chance.