本试卷分卷⼀(选择题) 和卷⼆(⾮选择题) 两部分,满分80分,考试时间60分钟。考⽣请在答题卡上答题,考试结束后,请将本试卷和答题卡⼀并交回。
1. Where is the reading room?
It’s on floor of the teaching building.
A. nine
B. ninth
C. the ninth
D. nineteen
2. He asked the doctor to give him some advice health.
A. to
B. in
C. on
D. at
3. How do you pay your ?
Well, I use Alipay.
A. bill
B. menu
C. value
D. price
4. Peter, what would you like, milk or coffee?
is fine. I don’t mind.
A. Both
B. Neither
C. Either
D. All
5. Hi, I’m Jim, your new co-worker.
A. You’d better not
B. Hi, Jim. I’m glad to meet you
C. Hurry up, please
D. Haven’t seen you for ages
6. Linda my help because she wanted to do the work herself.
A. received
B. replied
C. returned
D. refused
7. the test paper carefully before you hand it in.
A. Go on
B. Go over
C. Go out
D. Go down
8. Must I finish the task today?
No, you . You can do it tomorrow.
A. needn’t
B. can’t
2020年山东公务员考试C. shouldn’t
D. mustn’t
9. He has already made a lot of in his career.
A. success
B. succeed
C. successful
D. successfully
10. Jane, you look beautiful today! I like your hairstyle.
A. Not at all B No, I’m not C. Thank you D. It’s all right
11. Tony together with his parents a book every month.
A. read
B. reads
C. look
D. looks
12. Wow, your 75-year-old grandpa can use Wechat now! Yes, he has stopped learning new things.
A. already
13. There a Chinese painting show at Shandong Museum next week.
A. be
B. will be
C. have
D. will have
14. E-books might be bad for our eyes.
Hmm, they will be helpful we make good use of them.
A. as long as
B. as if
C. even though
D. so that
15. Excuse me, could you tell me the way to the train station?
. You can’t miss it.
A. Yes, of course
B. It’s my pleasure
C. I’m sorry to hear that
D. Go straight ahead to the end
16. It’s best to avoid out in the strong midday sun.
A. go B going C. gone D. to go
17. I’m going on a trip to Shanghai this weekend.
A. Not exactly.
B. The same to you.
C. Have a nice time!
D. Thanks a lot!
18. my dream of being a chef, I have been working in the restaurant.
A. Realize
B. Realizing
C. Realized
D. To realize
19. the weather like in Jinan these days?
Pretty good! It’s neither too hot nor too cold.
D. How’s
20. Follow the safety instructions, you may get hurt.
A. or
B. so
C. but
D. and
21. is it from here to your company?
It’s only about ten minutes’ walk.
A. How long
B. How many
C. How soon
D. How far
22. What kind of house are you looking for?
I’m looking for a one-bedroom apartment window faces south.
A. which
B. who
C. whose
D. that
23. It takes a lot of practice to be a skilled worker.
. Practice makes perfect.
A. Never mind
B. That’s true
C. Here it is
D. Just a minute
24. He came to the village in 2008, and he the villagers a lot since then.
A. helps
B. has helped
C. was helped
D. will help
25. I wonder I could recognize him or not after so many years.
A. whether
B. where C why D. when
26. Andy and I went to the gym yesterday.
. Let’s go there together next time.
A. So am I
B. So I am
C. So did I
D. So I did
27. What is your work experience?
A. I expect at least $ 60,000 a year
B. I’m applying for a position as secretary
C. My major is International Business
D. I taught English in a vocational school for two years
A. Give Mike a call.
C. Go to Mike’s office.
D. Leave the office.
29. When will Jack Smith leave the hotel?
A. July 4th
B. July 5th
C. July 6th
D. July 7th
A. $10.
B. $ 20.
C. $ 30.
D. $ 40.