1.—How are you going to be ________ writer?
—I’m going to keep on writing ________ stories.
A.a; /B./; the C.a; the
2.—Hi, Zhang Jie. Long time no see.
—Hi, Wang Lei. I was on ________ in the countryside and helped Grandpa on the farm. A.time B.vacation C.business 3.—Which teacher will you miss most after junior high school, Clara?
—Mr. Lee. He is always ________ with me in math class.
A.careful B.patient C.busy
4.—A new high-speed railway began to ________ service at Hezedong Railway Station on December 26, 2021.
—Wonderful. It is very convenient for us to travel.
A.offer B.enjoy C.organize
5.—I think the 18-year-old Su Yiming performs best in Snowboard Men’s Big Air.—Yeah, I agree. ________ else does better.
A.Everybody B.Anybody C.Nobody
6.—Have you ever ________ the program of WWF?
—Yes, I have. I am one of the local wild aid members.
A.taken care of B.got used to C.taken part in 7.—Nanjing Road is very crowded these days.
—The workers ________ it. It is said that it ________ soon.
A.repair;finishes B.have repaired;will finish C.are repairing;will be finished
8.—Daddy, can I go out to play soccer with my friends now?
—Well, you can’t go ________ you finish your homework first.
A.if B.since C.unless
9.—Can you tell me ________, Jill?
—It is a book about paper cutting.
A.how to borrow a book B.what you are reading C.where to copy a book
10.—Lisa, pass me the phone, please.
—OK. ________.
A.You’re welcome B.Here you are C.I think so
It’s time for another new film adapted(改编) from Jack London’s 1903 novel The Call of the Wild. It was first shown in ___11___on November 13, 2020 in China.
The main character of the film is still Buck, a big house dog.___12___, this time, Buck is a 100 percent character created by 3D technology. In fact, all of the dogs, and all of the other___13___ in the film, aren’t real in life.
The new film does follow some of the novel’s storyline. Buck, who his first owner treats well as a family member, lives a___14___, relaxed life. But not for long, he is___15___ from his owner’s home in California and is sold to the Alaskan gold fields as a sled(雪橇) dog. On his journey, Buck meets a new group of sled dogs led by the dog king Spitz. He learns
a___16___ by fighting for leadership(领导地位) and starts to think his true self. And then, Buck___17___ many cruel things, and he gradually realizes what he is truly meant for.
Every dog has its day. So does Buck. In the final part of The Call of the Wild, the local wolves and other animals awake his desire(渴望) to___18___ to the wild. According to London’s story, the film focuses on___19___ Buck discovers his true purpose in life, which leads him to refuse human society. At the end of the film, the brave dog manages to find his way back to nature.
So what’s the meaning of your life? Give this question a deep____20____ after having watched the film.
11.A.cinemas B.factories C.schools 12.A.Although B.So C.However 13.A.cows B.animals C.wolves 14.A.poor B.happy C.lazy
15.A.stolen B.found C.killed 16.A.hobby B.game C.lesson
17.A.experiences B.hears C.brings 18.A.return B.walk C.reply 19.A.what B.how C.when 20.A.sense B.idea C.thinking 三、阅读单选
21.What does the underlined phrase “fastest ice” refer to?A.An AI robot.B.The Ice Ribbon.C.A camera.
22.What can we know about the Shenzhou-13?
A.It stayed in space for about one year.
B.It carried four Chinese astronauts in space.
C.It safely landed back on Earth on April 16, 2022.
23.What is the purpose of setting up the weather station on Qomolangma?
A.To study the effects of climate changes there.
B.To reach the top of Qomolangma more easily.
C.To get the exact height of Qomolangma.
Do you have a library in your school or local area? Perhaps you even have a library bus that brings books. Well, children in Baluchistan, Pakistan (巴基斯坦), were getting books from a camel.
Many schools in this area were closed because of COVID-19, and the area did not have the Internet or books. The officials and teachers were worried about how to keep children learning during that time. After some thought, they realized that the answer could be a camel, so the Camel Library project started. Then the camel Roshan became a mobile “camel library”.
Roshan could cross deserts and get through streets. This would be difficult for cars. Three times a week Roshan set off with his owner and a teaching volunteer. Roshan sent books to four different villages. The books, from the Alif Laila Book Bus Society, were available for children aged between 4 and 16.The camel library was open for a few hours, and kids could take books home and return them
when the library headed back. The camel loved what he did: brought books for children and then waited happily while they read. Local people were so thankful to Roshan for his kind work.
Now, the village schools have reopened, but local officials say the people still ask for the camel library. The project is expected to continue and cover more villages. Money is being
collected and about $117.50 is needed for hiring (租用) Roshan.
24.Why did they have Roshan bring books?
A.To prevent COVID-19.B.To keep children learning.C.To take the place of Internet.
25.What is the local people’s attitude (态度) toward Roshan?
26.What do we know about the project?
A.It will probably continue.
B.The local people said no to it.
C.The camel Roshan disliked the work.
27.What is the best title of the passage?
A.A School Library B.A Mobile Camel Library C.An Online Library
They say once you learn how to ride a bike, you never forget. Most of us learnt when we were kids, and many still shoot off for a ride around the streets. In recent times, cycling has seen a rise in popularity, so the question is: what makes it so popular to people to ride their bikes once again?
First, let’s look at the good for health. Cycling can improve your health and burn extra body fat. Exercising your legs helps to increase your strength. And cycling’s good isn’t just physical, but mental(精神的) as well. A long ride in the countryside could help you to clear your mind, or lower your
worry. But it’s not only about your body and mind, there are also some good sides for your wallet’s(钱包) health.
Cycling can be a great way to go to work or go around town. By cycling, you save money instead of driving a car or taking a bus. If you drive to work, sometimes finding somewhere to park can be a very difficult thing. However, finding somewhere to lock your bike can be much simpler. Then, on the bus, there are changes at stations and other passengers speaking loudly on their phones to deal with. Cyclists face neither of these problems. And if you’re worried about safety, there are special cycle ways in many big cities. Wearing high-