Part I Vocabulary and structure (0.5 point each, 15 points)
Directions:For each of the following items, there are four choices matched A), B), C) and D). Decide which is the best answer and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.
1.Poetry written from the ______ of the urban youth tends to reveal their anxiety over a lack of sense of belonging.
B. priority
C. participation
D. privilege
2.Most insurance agents would rather you ______ anything about collecting claims until they investigate the situation.
B. don’t
C. didn’t
D. didn’t do
3.Look at the terrible situation I am in! If only I ______ your advice.
B. would follow
C. had followed
D. have followed
4. It is appropriate that some time ______ thorough study of the results of the Apollo mission.
A. devotes to
B. devoted to
C. is devoted to
D. be devoted to
5. ______ received law degrees as today.
A. Never so many women have
B. Never have so many women
C. The women aren’t ever
D. Women who have never
6. ______, it is true.
A. As it seems improbable
B. As improbable it seems
C. Improbable as it seems
D. Improbable as seems it
7. Your advice that ______ till next week is reasonable.
A. she waits
B. she wait
C. wait she
D. she waited
8. Without electronic computers, much of today’s advanced technology ______.
A. will not have been achieved
B. have not been achieved
C. would not have been achieved
D. had not been achieved
9. He’s working hard for fear that he ______.
A. should fall behind
B. fell behind
C. may fall behind
D. would fall behind
10. ______ more carefully, his ship would not have sunk.
A. If the captain were
B. Had the captain been
C. Should the captain be
D. If the captain would
11. It was in the park ______ Mary met John yesterday.
A. where
B. which
C. /
D. that
12. Great as Newton was, many of his ideas ______ today and are being modified by the work of scientists of our time.
A. are to challenge
B. may be challenged
C. have been challenged
D. are challenging
13. Two years later, her father disappeared, never ______ again.
A. to hear from
B. hearing from
C. to be heard from
D. being heard from
14. When we participate in a conversation, it’s quite easy to ______ by your own thought about what we are going to say next.
A. be distracted
B. be attracted
C. distract
D. attract
15. There are no special rules ______ what clothes you should wear.
A. as if
B. as about
C. as to
D. as in
16. In an ideal society, family and governmental policy should ______ we have a great number of books.
A. watch that
B. see that
C. notice that
D. observe that
17. ______ Franklin was a simple man, he was a ______ diplomat.
A. As; frilly
B. Although; shrewd
C. As; shrewd
D. Although; frilly
18. In the United States, a student who has finished ______ school may want to continue in ______ education.
A. higher; higher
B. high; higher
C. higher; high
D. higher; height
19. The turning point of my life was my decision to ______ a promising business career and study music.
A. give up
B. give in
C. give out
D. give off
20. Steps must be ______ to prevent the soil from being blown away.
A. brought
B. measured
C. carried
21. I thought she was famous, but none of my friends have______ heard of her.
A. even
B. ever
C. just
D. never
22. Jenny was very sad over the loss of the photos she had taken in Canada, ______ this was a memory she especially treasured.
A. as
B. if
C. when
D. where
23. ---Do you remember ______ he came? ---Yes, 1 do, he came by car.
A. if
B. when
C. that
D. how
24. I told Sally how to get here, but perhaps I ______ for her.
A. had to write it out
B. must have written it out
C. should have written it out
D. ought to write it out
25. She is ______ newcomer to ______ chemistry but she has already made some important discoveries.
A. the; the
B. the; /
C. a; /
D. a; the
26. 1 don’t know the restaurant, but it’s ______ to be quite a good one.
A. said
B. told
C. spoken
D. talked
27. 1 assure you that the matter ______ as quickly as possible. Have a little patience.
A. will be attended
B. will be attended to
C. is attended
D. is attended to
28. ______ in thought, he almost ran into the car in front of him.
A. Losing
B. Having lost
C. Lost
D. To lose
29. After living in Paris for fifty years he returned to the small town ______ he grew up as a child.
A. which
B. where
C. that
D. when
30. We decided not to climb the mountains because it was raining ______.
A. badly
B. hardly
C. strongly
D. heavily
Part II Cloze (0.5 point each, 10 points)
Direction: There are 20 blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should choose the ONE that best fits into the passage. Then blacken the corresponding letter on The Answer Sheet.
I collected my two-year-old grandson Max from kindergarten to take him to hospital to visit his mother and new baby brother. __31_buckling him into his car seat, I shut the rear door and went
round to the driver’s door to collect the __32 _, only to find that it was locked. __33__ I realized the central locking meant there was no way I could __34__the car.
The temperature was 40 °C and my mobile phone was locked in the car __35__ I couldn’t call for help. Panicked, I looked around for some help and saw a young man standing by his large truck. Seeing my agitation, he came over and __36__ to try to open the door. He was __37__ in his attempts but failed. My hero went back to his truck and used his phone to call for help.
__38__ my growing anxiety, I forced myself to talk __39__ to Max, explaining the situation. He was so
good, __40__ with his toy, but he was getting distressed. Sweat rolled down his face. Arms and legs, but he was calm and __41__ . I told him that someone was coming __42__ him.
Eventually automobile association officers __43__ and began to work on the two front doors.__44__ was having any success. Anxiety levels __45__ .The officers then worked together on the driver’s door, pushing it open, __46__ then released the other doors.
I lift Max __47__ the car. It was only when the officers poured bottles of water of the two of us to cool him down that he began to __48__.
I thanked the young man for his kindness but he refused __49__ to tell his name. I hoped he knew how much his kindness and __50__ meant to me that day.
31. A. When    B. After    C. Since    D. Because
32. A. keys    B. gifts    C. materials    D. bags
33. A. Gradually    B. Consequently    C. Immediately    D. Probably
34. A. hold onto    B. get into    C. peek into    D. turn on
35. A. but    B. for    C. so    D. or
36. A. asked    B. demanded    C. decided    D. offered
37. A. tireless    B. painful    C. rude    D. violent
38. A. For    B. To    C. Despite    D. On
39. A. formally    B. calmly    C. desperately    D. nervously
40. A. playing    B. dealing    C. fighting    D. helping
41. A. thinking    B. trusting    C. angry    D. flexible
42. A. scold    B. answer    C. observe    D. rescue
43. A. broke in    B. moved in    C. stood up    D. turned up
44. A. Neither    B. It    C. Either    D. Both
45. A. improved    B. dropped    C. rose    D. declined
46. A. when    B. which    C. where    D. who
47. A. except for    B. regardless of    C. back from    D. thanks to
48. A. cry    B. run    C. doubt    D. shake
49. A. thus    B. yet    C. even    D. still
50. A. support    B. problem    C. promise    D. ability
Part III Choosing Five Out of Seven (1 points each, 5 points)
Directions: In the following passage, some sentences have been removed. For questions 51 to 55, choose the most suitable sentence from choices A to G to fit into each of the numbered blanks. There are two extra choices, which do not fit the blanks. You should decide on the best choice and blacken the corresponding letter on The Answer Sheet.
A dictionary contains a definition of friendship somewhere in the F’s between the words “fear”and “Friday”. An encyclopedia supplies interesting facts on friendship. But all the definitions and facts do not convey what friendship is really all about. 51)______It is an experience that involves all senses.
52)______ It is seen in an old couple sitting in the park holding hands. It is the way they touch,
a touch as light as a leaf floating in the autumn air, a touch so strong that years of living could not pull them apart. Friendship is seen in a child freely sharing the last cookie. It is the small arm over the shoulder of another as they walk on the playground. Seeing friendship is not casual. It is watching for subtlety, but friendship is there for eyes that can see.
53)______ It is heard in the words of two friends squeezing in lunch together on an extremely busy day. It is the way they walk each other, not the words. Their tone is unique. Friendship can be heard by those willing to listen.
Friendship is felt in a touch. It is a pat on the back from a teammate, a high five between classes, the slimy, wet kiss from the family dog. It’s a touch that reassures that someone is there, someone who cares. The touch communicates more than words or gestures. It is instantly understood and speaks volumes beyond the point of contact, to the heart.
Friendship has a taste. 54)______, the ingredients all measured and planned, then carefully mixed and kneaded, then the quiet waiting as the dough rises. Hot from the oven, the bread tastes more than the sum of its ingredients. There are something else there, perhaps the thoughts of the baker as her h
ands knead the dough, or her patience as she waits for the dough to rise. Unseen and unmeasured, this is the ingredient that makes the difference. Warm, fresh from the oven with a little butter, the difference you taste is friendship.
Finally, more than other senses, friendship is an experience of the heart. 55)______--- a language without words, vowels, or consonants; a language that, whether seen, felt, heard, or tasted, is understood by the heart. Like air fills the lungs, friendship fills the heart, allowing us to experience the best life has to offer: a friend.
A.Friendship has a smell.
B.It is the language of the heart.