English: In 2005, the essay topic for the Guangdong English high school entrance examination was “My Dream”. Students were asked to write about their own dreams, ambitions, and plans for the future. Many students chose to write about their aspirations and the steps they would take to achieve them, while others reflected on the importance of dreaming and how it can shape one's life. Some discussed the obstacles they may face in chasing their dreams and emphasized the determination and hard work needed to overcome them. Overall, the topic encouraged students to think about their goals and the paths they would take to make their dreams a reality.
中文翻译: 2005年广东英语高考作文题目是“我的梦想”。要求学生写出自己的梦想、抱负和未来的计划。许多学生选择写关于自己的志向以及他们将采取的步骤来实现它们,而另一些人则思考了梦想的重要性以及它如何塑造一个人的生活。有些人讨论了他们在追逐梦想时可能遇到的障碍,并强调了克服这些障碍所需的决心和努力。总的来说,这个话题鼓励学生思考他们的目标以及他们将采取的路径来使梦想成为现实。广东省高考成绩查询网站