sunny    beef    pretty    yellow    eat      flower
snow      cow    see      windy    window  how
1. /i:/ _________ _________ __________
2. /I/ _________ _________ __________
3. /u/_________ _________ __________
4. /au/_________ _________ __________
5. don’t(完整形式)______6. noodle(复数) ___________
7. have(第三人称单数)_______8. Saturday(缩写形式) _______
9. sandwich (复数) _________10. he(宾格) _________
11.they’re(完整形式)______12. what about(同义短语)_________
13. 在周末___________14. my favourite teacher______________
15. 做作业 _______________16. healthy food_______________
17. draw cartoons______________
at      with      in      on      like
18. Look ____________the pictures.
19. They  don’t  have  the  maths ___________  Mondays.
20. We have  a  reading  class __________ Mr Reed.
21. Do  you  often  watch  TV ___________ the living room?
22. What’s  your  father__________?
(  ) 23.What’s your teacher_____________?
A. liked  B. to like    C. like
(  ) 24. _________ comes after Tuesday?
A. Monday  B. Wednesday  C. Thursday
(  ) 25. We have __________, hamburgers and tea.
A. sandwich    B. sandwichs  C. sandwiches
(  ) 26. What would you like _________ drink?
A. for  B. to  C. in
(  ) 27. How many books do you __________, Tom?
A. have  B. has  C. is there
(  ) 28. —Would you like ____________ milk?
—Yes, it’s healthy.
A. any  B. some  C. a
(  ) 29. Let’s ____________volleyball.
A. play  B. playing  C. to play
(  ) 30. We have English __________ Mondays and Thursday.
A. on  B. in    C. at
(  ) 31. Do you often __________ books in this park?
A. read  B. reads  C. reading
(  ) 32. I often __________ books and ____________TV.
A. read; read  B. watch; read    C. read; watch
六、情景对话 (10分)
(  )1. 当你要表达你喜欢三明治,它们很健康时,你会说:_______________曲靖市人才招聘信息网
A. I like sandwiches. They are healthy.
B. I like sandwiches. They are fresh. C. I have some sandwiches.
(  )2. 当你询问别人什么是他最喜欢的'食物时,你会说:__________________
A. What’s your dinner?  B. Who is your favourite food?
C. What is your favourite food?
(  )3. 当你要表达请给我一个三明治时,你会说:__________________
A. I have a sandwich. B. Some sandwiches, please.
C. A sandwich, please.
(  )4. 当你要询问别人想喝点什么时,你会说:__________________
A. What would you like to drink?B. Do you drink some tea?
C. What do you often drink on the weekend?
Hi, I’m Tim. I’m from Dongfang School. Today is Tuesday. We have maths, Chinese and computer on Tuesdays. I like computer. My computer teacher is very funny. He is very strong. I like him.We have sandwiches and fish for lunch on Wednesdays. Potatoes are my favourite food. Saturday is my favourite day. I often play football on Saturdays. Of course I do my homework on Saturdays, too. What about you?
(  ) 38. What day is it today?
A. Tuesday. B. Wednesday.C. Friday. D. Saturday.
(  ) 39. What do they have for lunch on Wednesdays?
A. Pork and rice. B. Tofu and green beans.
C. Sandwiches and fish.  D. Mutton and tomatoes.
(  ) 40. What’s Tim’s computer teacher like?
A. He is tall and thin. B. He is very funny and strong.
C. He is so heavy. D. He is active.
(  ) 41. Does Tim like his computer teacher?
A. Yes, he does. B. Yes, he like.C. No, he doesn’t. D. No, he does.
( ) 42. What does Tim do on Saturdays?
A. He often plays football and docs his homework.
B. He often plays computer games.
C. He often watches TV and plays ping pong.
D. He often sing.
参考词汇:short, fat,  favourite ,  food, beef, friends .