2017年上半年笔译三级综合能力真题试卷 (题后含答案及解析)
题型有:1. Vocabulary and Grammar 2. Reading Comprehension 3. Cloze Test
PART 1  Vocabulary and Grammar  (25 points)This part consists of three sections. Read the directions for each section before answering the questions. The time for this part is 25 minutes.
SECTION 1  Vocabulary SelectionIn the section, there are 20 incomplete sentences. Below each sentence, there are 4 choices respectively marked by letters A,B,C and D. Choose the word or phrase which best completes each sentences. There is only ONE right answer.
1. Large herds of grazing mammals are most likely to be found in a______.
解析:  (1)句子结构。  本句的句子结构为主动补(SVC):主语为large herds of grazing mammals,are为系动词,most likely to be found…为主语补语(即表语)。  (2)选项词义。  A.grassland n.草原,牧草地 
B.terrace n.平台;梯田;阳台 
C.desert n.沙漠;荒原;应得的赏罚 
D.forest n.森林  本句大意为“在草原上最有可能发现大食草类哺乳动物”。根据句意,grazing mammals必定生活在grassland上,因此只有选项A符合题意。  【知识拓展】词汇拓展:herd,flock,swarm,brood与pack。  ①herd(牛、鹿等)兽,牧  e.g.On the ridge of a few miles away, we spot a herd of 40 grazing elk.  在几英里外的山脊上,我们发现40只麇鹿正在吃草。  ②flock(鸟、羊,人等)  e.g.A flock of birds was already warbling a cheerful morning chorus.  一鸟儿在叽叽喳喳地唱着欢快的晨曲。  ③swarm(
蜂、人)  e.g.A swarm of bees are following the queen-bee to find a suitable place to establish a new home.  一蜜蜂跟着蜂王寻合适的地方建立新家。  ④brood一窝(鸡)、一家孩子  e.g.The bird was trying to find food for its brood.  这只鸟在为它的一窝小鸟觅食。  ⑤pack(狼、猎狗)  e.g.It shows a fox being chased by a pack of hounds.  画面中一猎狗正在追赶一只狐狸。 
2. The politicians speech was______of nothing but a bitter railing.
解析:  (1)句子结构。  本句为主动补(SVC)结构,The politician’s speech为主语,was为系
动词,composed of nothing but a bitter railing为主语补语。  (2)选项词义。  A.make vt.使得;进行;布置,准备,整理;制造 
B.form vt.构成组成;排列,组织;产生,塑造 
C.compose vt.构成;写作;使平静 
D.include vt.包含,包括  本句大意为“那个政客的演说只不过是一顿尖刻的斥责”。从题干中的搭配和词义来看,只有C符合句意,因此为正确答案。  【知识拓展】词汇拓展:be made of,be made from,consist of与be composed of。  ①be made of由……制成(能看出原材料)  e.g.The desk is made of wood.  这张桌子是木质的。  ②be made from由……制成(看不出原材料)  e.g.I wonder if wine can be made from cherries.  我想知道葡萄酒是否可以用樱桃酿制。  ③consist of由(人或事物)……组成(或构成)  e.g.The division will consist of two tank companies and one infantry company.  这个师的组成部队将包括两个坦克连和一个步兵连。  ④be composed of由……组成(由成员或部分构成)  e.g.The plenary meetings of the State Council shall be composed of all members of the State Council.  国务院全体会议由国务院全体成员组成。 
3. When the first Europeans arrived in Australia, they found the continent already______by other people.
解析:  (1)句子结构。  本句是一个由when引导的时间状语从句和主句构成的主从复合句。主句的结构为主动宾补(SVOC),主语是they,即the first Europeans,谓语动词为found,宾语为the continent,后面的already______by other people为宾语补足语。  (2)选项词义。  A.abandon vt.抛弃离弃;放弃;放纵 
B.populate vt.居住于……中;构成……的人口 
C.migrate vt.使移居 
D.explore vt.探索;探测;探险  本句大意为“第一批欧洲人抵达澳洲时,他们发现这个大陆已经有人居住”。从四个选项来看,只有populated符合题意,因此选项B为正确答案。  【知识拓展】词汇拓展:live,reside与dwell。  ①live vi.to have your home in a particular place  e.g.Members of 21 minorities live in this area.  这个地区居住有21个少数民族。  ②reside vi.(formal)to live in a particular place  e.g.He returned to Britain in 1939,having resided abroad for many years.  他在国外居住多年以后,于1939年回到了英国。  ③dwell vi.(formal,or literary)to live somewhere  e.g.A great number of water fowls dwell on the island.  许多水鸟栖息在岛上。 
4. Though many exchange students undergo a period of______upon arrival in the host countries, in a short time they begin to feel much more comfortable.
解析:  (1)句子结构。  本句主句的结构为主动宾(SVO),其中主语为they,谓语动词为begin,to feel much more comfortable为宾语,though引导的是让步状语从句。  (2)选项词义。  A.excitement n.兴奋;刺激;令人兴奋的事物 
B.relaxation n.放松;缓和;消遣 
C.boredom n.厌倦;令人厌烦的事物 
D.disorientation n.迷失方向;迷惑  本句大意为“许多交换生一到国外会经历一段迷茫期,但很快就觉得适应了”。因为though引导的是让步状语从句,因此从句中所选的词在意义上与comfortable相反;根据一般常识,出国的人经常不会感到boredom,而是无所适从,因此disorientation为最佳选项。  【知识拓展】词汇拓展:有关“经历”的表达。  ①go through经
历,经受(尤指苦难或艰难时期)  e.g.South Africa was going through a period of irreversible change.  南非正在经历一场不可逆转的变革。  ②undergo经历,经受(变化、不快的事等)  e.g.Some children undergo a complete transformation when they become teenagers.  一些儿童进入少年期会完全变成另一个人。  ③experience经历;经受;遭受  e.g.The country experienced a foreign currency shortage for several months.  这个国家经历了几个月的外汇短缺。