In 2021.the company's management team will have a term system and XXX.
In October 2021.the company will XXX.
The second part of the management team's performance XXX management methods:
Chapter 1: General ns
Article 1: In order to maintain the rights and interests of the owners。XXX preserving and increasing state-owned assets。and establish effective incentive and restraint mechanisms。this method is formulated based on the relevant methods of business performance XXX with the actual n of the company.
Article 2: XXX to in this method refer to the general manager。deputy general manager。chief accountant。the chief engineer。chief economist。chief legal adviser。and other XXX.
The goal is to maintain and increase the value of assets。achieve the company's development strategy。and XXX set by the board of directors.
XXX。XXX system at all levels。and enhance the scientific。targeted。and XXX.
XXX XXX unified。The salary level of management team members is linked to the company's performance n results。achieving "performance up。salary up。performance down。salary down."
The XXX are simple。effective。and XXX.
Article 3: The company's party committee discusses and studies the management system for the performance n of the management team as a re。fully playing the role of the party committee's leadership。the business performance n of the management team members is led by the board of directors。and the XXX of the board of directors organize and implement the specific work。and the human resources management XXX for the specific work authorized by the board of directors and the XXX.
Article 4: The chairman of the board of XXX.