高等教育自学考试英语专业口译与听力教程模拟试卷  (C)
Part One    Listening        ( 1’*20=20’ marks)
Listen to the short presentation twice and finish the following questions.
1. What is the main topic of the presentation?
A. Language and learning.
B. Artificial intelligence.
C. The human brain.
D. Intelligent behavior.
2. What is the model for Artificial Intelligence systems?
A. Intelligent behavior.
B. A machine.
C. The human brain.
D. The environment.
3. When is an Artificial Intelligence system better than the human brain?
A. When there is a lot of information to remember and process.
B. When questions need to be answered.
C. When primitive reasoning is needed.
D. When intelligent behavior is needed.
4. What is all knowledge contained in Artificial Intelligence systems based on?
A. The mysteries of the human brain.
B. Logical rules.
C. Intuition.
D. Language and learning.
Listen to the    lecture twice and fill in the missing words.
Sometimes scientists or 5.        will see an everyday object and become 6.        .Likewise, many breakthroughs in science and 7.            in the arts come during dreams. In the sciences, for example, a German 8. .            , F.A. Kebule von Stradonitz, dreamed about a 9. .              with its tail in its mouth. He said that this dream led him to his visualization of the benzene 10. .              . The dream helped him with the conceptualization he needed in order to build a 11. .            of this molecule.
    Similar stories can be 12. .                in the arts. There is a famous English
13. .              entitled “Kubla Khan” written by Samuel Taylor Coleridge. Coleridge said that he 14. .              the poem during a dream and that the 15. .            he woke up, he began to write it down. While he was doing this, a 16. .            came to see him and
17. .                his writing. When he returned to his desk to  18. .              the poem, he foun
d he could not. He had forgotten it. But, on the bright side, critics still
19. .            it one of his best poems, even though it is 20.  .广东省自学考试网            .      .
Part Two  Interpretation      (2’*20=40’ marks)
Listen to the following sentences once and put them into Chinese.
21. The impressive economic growth and sound management of the economy in the past few years are very encouraging.
22. The contemporary symbol of Geneva’s international role is the Palace of Nations, which houses the United Nations Office at Geneva.
23. In the five states of Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Oklahoma and Texas, crude oil production almost doubled from 1,272, 782,000 barrels in 1950 to 2,480,764,000 barrels in 1972.
24. The rapid increase in immigration into the United States during the early 20th century re
sulted in the establishment of more English and citizenship classes and other Americanization programs for immigrants.
25. Unlike other types of education, adult education is defined by the student population rather than by the content or complexity of a learning program.
26. They also carry out studies to find out what is happening to nature and what is done by man to nature, to understand what is going on and try to remedy the situation, try to improve the situation.
27. The Salt Lake Winter Olympic Games will die the death of a thousands cuts, if we don’t open the doors, open the records and let the sun shine in now.
28. Olympic Games is held every four years at a different site, in which athletes from different nations compete against each other in a variety of sports.
29. Manufacturing developed rapidly in the 1950s and grew to become the most important economic sector in the early 1980s, when manufacturing employment reached nearly 905,
30. Tropical plants, sandy desert, waterfalls, craters and caves make the 780-square-kilometer Hawaiian National Park a tourist attraction.
Listen to the following sentences once and put them into English.
31. 通向开发区的高速路计划在月底建成通车。   
32. 这场金融危机是在经济全球化趋势加速发展的国际背景下发生的,给世人提供了重要的启示。
33. 世界经济全球化的发展趋势已成为不可逆转的历史潮流,以信息化为基础,以网络经济为代表的新经济正蓬勃发展。
34. 北方交通大学现有教职工2700余人,其中有院士3人、教授164人、副教授403人。
36. 多年以来中国政府在保持生态平衡、保护环境、消灭贫困、控制人口增长和改善人民的生活条件等方面做出了不遗余力的努力。
37. 世界知识产权组织的成员国现有171个,几乎占全世界国家的90%
38. 中国五十六个民族的风俗和文化是中国的宝贵财富,也是中国最重要的旅游资源之一。
39. 知识经济已初现端倪,新兴产业层出不穷。
40. 中国的优势项目有男子体操、跳水、乒乓球,女子竞走、射击和女子游泳。