    English version:
    **The Art of Reading and Speaking English Composition for CET-4**
    As the College English Test (CET) approaches, many students find themselves scrambling to improve their skills in reading and speaking English compositions. This article aims to guide you through the techniques of reading English compositions aloud and preparing for the CET-4 exam, focusing on both fluency and comprehension.
    **1. Understanding the Structure of the Composition**
    Before attempting to read a composition aloud, it is crucial to understand its overall structure. This includes identifying the introduction, main body, and conclusion. By doing so, you can better grasp the flow of ideas and arguments.
    **2. Practicing Pronunciation and Intonation**
    Clear and accurate pronunciation is essential for effective reading. Practice reading aloud regularly to improve your pronunciation and intonation. Focus on sounding out each word correctly, emphasizing keywords, and varying your tone to reflect the emotional content of the text.
    **3. Mastering the Pace and Rhythm**
    When reading aloud, maintain a steady pace and rhythm. Avoid speaking too fast or too slow, as this can affect comprehension. Practice reading different types of compositions to develop a sense of pacing and rhythm that works for you.
    **4. Using Expression and Gesture**
    When reading aloud, it's important to use facial expressions and gestures to enhance your delivery. This not only helps you connect with the audience but also improves your own comprehension of the text. Practice reading in front of a mirror or with a friend to refine your delivery skills.
    **5. Preparing for the CET-4**
    To prepare for the CET-4, focus on practicing reading and speaking skills using sample compositions from previous exams. Familiarize yourself with the types of questions that appear in the exam and practice answering them under timed conditions. Additionally, develop a strategy for managing your time during the exam to ensure you complete all sections effectively.
    **6. Staying Motivated and Confident**
    Remember, practice makes perfect. Stay motivated and confident by setting small, achievable goals and celebrating your progress. Believe in yourself and your ability to master English composition reading and speaking skills.
    In conclusion, reading English compositions aloud is an effective way to improve fluency, comprehension, and confidence. By following these techniques and strategies, you can successfully prepare for the CET-4 exam and achieve your desired score.
    Chinese version:
    **1. 理解作文结构**
    **2. 练习发音和语调**
    **3. 掌握速度和节奏**
    **4. 使用表情和手势**
    **5. 为英语四级考试做准备**
    **6. 保持动力和信心**