As a test taker of the College English Test (CET), also known as the National English Proficiency Test in China, I have a lot of feelings and thoughts about this exam. The CET is an important test for English learners in China, and it consists of two levels: CET-4 and CET-6. In this article, I will share my personal feelings and experiences about taking the CET-4 and CET-6 exams.
First of all, I want to talk about my feelings when preparing for the CET exams. As a non-English major student, I found it challenging to balance my regular academic studies with the intensive English preparation required for the CET exams. I had to allocate a significant amount of time and effort to improve my English skills, including reading, listening, speaking, and writing. The pressure was high, but I was determined to do my best in the exams.
When it comes to the actual test day, I experienced a mix of nervousness and excitement. Walking into the exam room, I felt a surge of adrenaline as I prepared to tackle the various sections of the test. The listening section always made me a bit anxious, as it required quick t
hinking and strong concentration. However, I tried to stay calm and focused throughout the entire exam.
After completing the exams, I felt a sense of relief and accomplishment. I knew that I had given it my all, and I hoped for the best results. Waiting for the scores was a nerve-wracking experience, but when I finally received my results, I felt a great sense of satisfaction and pride. The hard work and dedication had paid off, and I was thrilled to see the improvement in my English proficiency.
Looking back on the entire process, I can say that taking the CET exams was a valuable experience for me. Not only did it test my English abilities, but it also taught me important lessons about perseverance, time management, and goal setting. I learned to push myself beyond my comfort zone and strive for excellence in my language skills.
In conclusion, the CET exams have had a significant impact on my English learning journey. They have challenged me, motivated me, and ultimately helped me grow as a language learner. I am grateful for the experience and look forward to continuing my pursuit
四级考试入口of English proficiency in the future.