For me, only places like amusement parks can enjoy themselves, but now I, completely broke this point, I no longer feel that I can enjoy the place only amusement parks, also do not feel that I can make me happy only to play.
Last year, I went to a scenic area, where there are mountains and water, it is really a feng shui treasure land, where the establishment of a natural scenic area, simply Is the best, the road along the way are inseparable from the water and mountains, and we are also a member of the mountaineering, but the mountain road is relatively flat, the altitude is also Not very high, at that time I thought this was nothing fun, is not the scenery!But go there to know that the fun of life, is not only Only to play, and to enjoy the scenery.Next to the waterfall gushing down, can not help but make me think of "flying down three thousand feet", then to understand why Li Bai So he wrote.Trees are also different forms, some like a dragon lying on the trunk, some like a couple, and like aThe Wolf, though, is not boring to walk in it.
Thirsty, can drink through the water, this is a mountain spring, pure natural is not processed, t
he taste is also a little sweet: tired, canSitting on the big rocks by the stream to rest briefly and then move forward; feel bored, you can sit on the stream fighting water fights with friends, as long as not afraid of wetTo, but some stones have moss, sitting on it is easy to slide into the water, so before sitting, to rub with the opposite side of the vomit, the original and do not know why, only know to learn from adults they do so, and now but also understand the truth, are their own think out, also notKnow right or not, and I have a good time here.
The scene of nature is the best gift from heaven to human beings, in this very charming, beautiful scenery, there are also let you happy to lingerAbility, everywhere is fun, everywhere there is fun