1. 试题共四页,七大题。
2. 请考生在答卷上用蓝或黑圆珠笔、签字笔或钢笔作答。
()1. grandma  A. save    B. happenC.finally    D.brave
()2.ninety  A.fifty    B.think  C. drive D.skip
()3. sunnyA. blue    B. subject    C. put D.menu
()4.flower  A. down    B. know  C. show    D. window ()5.ready A.sea    B. leader    C. idea    D.heavy B)出重音所在音节与其他三个不一样旳那一种单词。(5%)
()6. A. tonight    B. become    C. mountain  D. piano
()7.A.problem  B.afraid C. history D. number
()8. A. surprised B.cheaper    C. computerD.instead()9.A. other  B. thousand    C.under  D. prefer ()10. A.during    B. football C. important    D.classmate
()1. Marylikes playing_________basketball,but she doesn’tlike playing________piano.
A. /; / B.the;/C. the; the    D. /;the
()2.---Howfar is your sister’s school fromhere?
上海市公务员考试2022报名时间--It’sabouttwo _______ drive.
A.hour’s    B. hours’  C. hoursD.hour陕西省公务员考试职位表2023
()3. Ifeel very tired,so I would like _______at homethis weekend.A.relax    B. relaxed C.relaxing    D. to relax
()4.What’s    a hundred and four_________ninety-five? It’s nine.
A.of    B. minus C.plusD.divide
()5.The Forbidden City isin________.
A. France B.German C. China  D. theUSA
()6. CanI helpyou? Yes,_______.
A. sorry B.doyou have apen?    C. all right    D. that’sall right.
()7.Please_______your book when youcomehere tomorrow.
A.takesB.brings    C. bring    D. take
()8.Thisroomis mine.That one is ________.
A.you    B. your  C. yours    D. yourself
()9.---Tony, is Mike your twin brother?
---Yes,and I’m2 cm ________ than him.
A.more than B.taller    C.more taller    D. tallest
()10.---Where isDad now?
---I’mnotsure. He_______ bein the living room.
A.shall  B. may  C. need  D. must
()11.Lilyisgoing to France soon. Shewill arrive ________ Paris _________ the morning of January 5th.
A.at; in    B. in;in C. in;onD. at; on
沈阳事业单位招聘()12. He is going tobe adoctor when he_________up.
A. growsB.will grow  C.isgoing to grow D. grew
()13.Listen! Who______ the piano?
A. was play
B. played C. willplay    D. isplaying
()14.Thesonmade his mother________ atlast.
A.smileB.to smile  C. smiles    D. smiled
()15.In order to keep healthy,we keep on________every day.A.running    B.run    C. to run    D.runs
()16. ________ you________toGuangzhou next week?
A. Do;goB.Are; going    C. Did; go    D.Are;go
()17. When class begins,we stop________ tothe teacher carefully.
A. listening B.to listen C. listens    D. listen
()18. Miss Wang oftengives herstudents_______ onhow to learnEnglish.A. some advice  B. pieces ofadvicesC. a fewadvices D.little advice
()19. Lucy, it’s cold outside.Why _______ take a jacket with you?
A. not
B. nottoC. don’t D.won’t
()20. The man didn’t know________.
A.howget thereB.how to getthere    C. hereto get there D.whengetthere
A) 根据句意和首字母,写出句中所缺单词。(5%)
国考公务员体检项目有哪些1. Beijing isthec___________ ofChina.
2.Moreand morepeople entered the busand the bus wasc____________.
3.We’re going onap___________ tomorrow.
4. Don’tl__________ at your classmates.
5.It’s timeforus togett_____________for a chat.
B) 根据句意和中文提醒,写出句中所缺单词。(5%)
1. He seemed very___________.(紧张旳)
2.Ilikethat __________doll. (可爱旳)
3.Knowledge _____________your life. (变化)
4.This__________is more expensive than thatone.(饭店)
5.Sheis an _________actress. 优秀旳)
1.Tom plays the piano___________. (wonderful)
2.My father usually__________(cook) at 5 o’clock.
3. __________Helenlike___________(swim)every day?
4.It’s the ___________ofJanuary. (twelve)
5. What ___________you___________ yesterday? We ___________our homework. (do)
6. One ofthe___________isfrom Class 2. (run)
7.Jim came here ___________ofall.(early)
1. Hedoessome readingevery day. (改成否认句)
He_________ ____________________ reading everyday.
2.It’s June 29thtoday.(对划线部分提问)
What _________ ____________ ____________ today?
3.Sheis avery strictteacher.(改为感慨句)
___________ ___________strict teacher sheis!
4.The teacheralways takes good care of my son in the kindergarten.(改为同义句)