Part I Writing
Online Shopping
It would be an amazing wonder decades ago to even think about purchasing our favorite gifts by clicking the mouse and just a few days’ waiting. While,today,just a few glances and you will find that your dreams have come true—online shopping has been interageted into our daily lives。
No doubt that unprecedented convenience has been brought by online shopping—not to mention the time and labour saved via the Internet. However,more concerns have been given to the inherent shortcomings that born out of online shopping. The images you see on the Internet may seem completely different from the items which have been just delivered to your hands. Besides,the time saved on browsing in a department stroe may be replaced by the time the goods finally find its way to your house。
Faced with such dilemma,what is our resolutions?First and foremost,relevant laws and regulations must be introduced to supervise the quality and delivery of online commodity. Furthermore,bodies should be established to oversee and eradicate the websites which sell fake goods. Zero-tolerance should become the prevailing discipline to preserve consumers’ rights and benefits。
With the help of the ever rapid development of internet technology,online shopping is coming into fashion in most of cities.
Online shopping is welcomed by most people due to various reasons. From the perspective of consumer,it can save some time for people who don’t have much spare time. Just click the mouse,t
hey can get whatever they want while staying at home. For the retailers,it can cut some costs for those who don’t have much circulating funds. They don’t have to rent a house and spend money on employees compared with the traditional trade mode. However,there are still some defects in online shopping. First,lace of face to face deal makes online shopping less reliable and trustworthy. Second,people will lose the fun of bargain.
It is undeniable that shopping on the internet has become an irresistible trend in modern society. It’s of great urgency that we need to regulate the relative laws accordance with the rapid growth of online shopping. Only in this way can we enjoy the pleasure and convenience of
online shopping without the concern of being treated.
Part III Listening Comprehension
M:Shawn's been trying for months to find a job. But I wonder how he could get a job when he looks like that.
W:Oh,that poor guy!He really should shave himself every other day at least and put on something clean.
Q:What do we learn about Shawn?
答案:A. He is careless about his appearance.
解析:男生一方面对肖恩能否到工作表达怀疑,由于她邋遢。女生接着提到肖恩不修边幅,又说她应当每隔一天刮一次胡子,把自己弄得整洁干净一点。由此可知,肖恩是一种对仪容仪表不太注重,比较粗线条人shave,刮胡子;be careless about不在乎,不介意;
W:I wish Jane would call when she know she'll be late. This is not the first time we've had to wait for her.
M:I agree. But she does have to drive through very heavy traffic to get here.
Q:What does the man imply?
答案:A. Jane maybe caught in a traffic jam.
解析:本题是推理题,在做题时要注意仔细推敲。女生说:“Jane已经不是第一次迟到让咱们等了,我但愿她能事先打电话告诉咱们一下”,可见女生对Jane 迟到作法是不满。
男生又说:“I agree. But she does have to drive through very heavy traffic to get here.”(我批准。但是她到这里确要遭受很拥堵交通。)由此得出,男生对此事态度是理解或宽容。Jane也许被堵在半路了。
M:Congratulations!I heard your baseball team is going to the Middle Atlantic Championship.
W:Yeah,we're all working real hard right now!
Q:What is the woman's team doing?
答案:A. Training for the Mid-Atlantic Championship.
解析:对话开头男生提到女生所在棒球队要参加Mid-Atlantic Championship.女生说:“we're all working real hard right now!”(咱们当前正紧锣密鼓地练习呢!)
此题尚有一种困惑选项B,Making preparations for a trans-Atlantic trip,必要注意是:这里并不是准备旅行,而是准备参赛。
W:John's been looking after his mother in the hospital. She was injured in a car accident two weeks ago and still in critical condition.
M:Oh,that's terrible. And you know his father passed away last year.
Q:What do we learn about John?
答案:D. He has been having a hard time.
解析:依照听力原文可知,“John's mother is in the hospital and his father died last year.”(约翰妈妈出车祸住院了,爸爸两年前也过世了)由此可见,John近况还是蛮悲惨;答案也就显而易见了。
M:What a boring speaker!I can hardly stay awake.
W:Well,I don't know. In fact,I think it's been a long time since I've heard anyone is good.
Q:What do we learn from the conversation?
答案:D The woman thinks highly of the speaker
解析:依照听力原文可知,男生觉得演讲无趣,女生却很淡定地说:“其实我已经好久没有听到那么好发言了”。由此可见,女生对发言还是很必定。选项D中“thinks highly of”即“对…评价高”,故D是对的答案。
W:I'm having a lot of trouble with logic and it seems my professor can't explain it in a way that makes sense to me.