1Professor smith promised to look __ B ___    my paperthat isto read it carefully before the defence
Aafter    Bover    Con    Dinto
生词:defence  n. 防御,国防,答辩,守方
短语:Look over  浏览,阅读;look on 观看,认为,看待;
look into  调查,观察,过问;look after 照顾
2Our house is about a mile from the railway station and there are not many houses___A___.
Ain between  Bfar apart    Camong them    Dfrom each other
短语:in between  两者之间;far apart 指思想性格等差距很远;far away指距离的遥远(物理距离);among them 其中
3As the bus came round the cornerit ran__A____ a big tree by the roadside.
Ainto    Bon    Cover    Dup
短语:run into (使)碰撞,碰上;run on 流逝 涉及;run over 溢出;
run up 高涨 高速运转
固定搭配:run into sb 偶然遇见;run sth up 提高 升起;run up to 达及(某数)
4When Lily came home at 5 p.m. yesterday, her mother __B__dinner in the kitchen.
Acooked    Bwas cooking    Ccooks    Dhas cooked
5Did you notice the guy_____C___ head looked like a big potato?
Awho    Bwhich    Cwhose    Dwhom
6I don’t know the park, but its_____A_____ to be quite beautiful.
Asaid    Bold    Cspoken    Dtalked
表示“据说”的句型有两个:it is said that;be said to be
It’s said to be quite beautiful=It’s said that it is quite beautiful.
7Mike is better than Peter____B____ swimming.
Afor    Bat    Con    Din
8The young lady coming over to us_____A___ o统考是什么意思ur English teacher; the way she walks tells us that!
Amust be    Bcan be    Cwould be    Dcould be
9Had you come five minutes earlier, you___B___ the train to Birmingham. But now you missed it.
Awould catch            Bwould have caught
Ccould catch     Dshould catch
10Eggs, though rich in nourishments, have_____C____ of fat.
Aa large number of    Bthe large number
Ca large amount    Dthe large amount
短语:rich in  富有  make up  组成 化妆 整理
nourishment  食物 滋养品
a large number of+可数名词  a large amount+不可数名词
11The atmosphere__________ certain gases mixed together in definite proportions
Acomposes of    Bis made up    Cconsists of    Dmakes up of
短语:composes of 由……组成  is made up 是由  consists of    由……组成 由……构成 包括  makes up of 构成
consistof搭配,表示一个事物由几个部分组成,它的主语应该是事物的整体,宾语为部分,它只能用主动语态。compose组成的意思,相当于"make up',它的主浯为部分,宾语为整体。但它常用过去分词作表语,跟of引起的短语。
consist of常用整体作主语,表示整体由部分组成,引申为包含有,不能用于被动语态。
make up用部分作主语,表示部分构成整体,用于主动语态;如果用整体作主语,必须用被动结构be made up of,这时可以和consist of互换。另外,make up还可以表示化装;编造
Consist of  由……组成/构成=be composed of =be made up of
12Neither John____A___his father was able to wake up early enough to catch the morning train
Anor    Bor    Cbut    Dand
短语:neither nor配合使用,意思是两者都不……,既不……也不,谓语通常与最近一个名词或代词相一致。
13The girl is ___B_____    of a film star
Asomebody    Bsomething    Canybody    Danyone
短语:be something of aan)…… 意思是:“有点……像……”
14Janes dress is similar in design__C___ her sisters
A1ike    Bwith    Cto    Das
短语:be similar to  与……相似
15His salary as a driver is much higher than _________D____   
Aa porter    Bis a porter    Cas a porter    Dthat of a porter
短语:salary n.薪水  porter  n.门房 服务员 搬运工人 守门人
分析:that 代替前面的salary
16Its time we_____D_____ the lecture because everybody has arrived
Awill start    Bshall start        Cstart    Dstarted
句型:it is (hight) time +从句 表示“该干……的时间到了”从句中的谓语动词用一般过去式表示虚拟。
17_______C___      these honors he received a sum of money
AExcept    BBut    CBesides    DOutside
Honor n.荣誉 名誉 面子  a sum of  一笔  sum  n.总和 总数 金额 一笔(of
Except 表示一个人或者物排出某一范围即不包括在内与but同义
18Would you let___A______  to the park with my classmateMum?
Ame go    Bme going    CI go    DI going
固定搭配:let sb do sth  让某人做什么
19Therefore, other things____A___ equal, the member of workers that employers want decreases.
Ais    Bare    Cbeing    Dhaving
Employer  n. 雇主  decrease vi.减少
20I have been looking forward to__________  from my parents.
Ahear    Bbeing heard        Cbe heard      Dhearing
短语:look forward to +n/dong 期盼 盼望 
hear from 收到……的来信(电报等)
21The manager will not____D____    us to use his car