目 录
Part One  Reading Comprehension (40 points)
I. Cloze Test (10 points)
Choose one of the four answers marked A, B, C, D to complete the article. Write your answer on the answer sheet. Be sure that the number of the answers in agreement with the number of the blanks.
Today, the world wide web can be used both to  (1)  information and to make it  (2)  to others. Information  (3)  on web pages is viewed by  (4)  of browser. The sources of information linked in this way can be located on any computer  (5)  is also part of the web. Each information source  (6)  to an ind
efinite member of other web pages. Hypertext and hyperlinks allow users acting as receivers of information to  (7)  from one source of information to another,  (8)  for themselves which information they wish to  (9)  to their browser and which links they want to    (10)  . The addresses of web pages can be found by using the many hundreds of general and specialized search engines which provide  (11)  to databases which hold information on them. Once a web pages has been found, hyperlinks may point  (12)  other places  (13)  interest on the web. Addresses of web pages also  (14)  in other more conventional media, such as magazines, newspapers and television programs, and on posters.
Web pages, in their  (15)  , facilitate access to information made available by other  (16)  of media of example, collections held in libraries
or programs broadcast on television.
Most web pages offer interactive opportunities which go  (17)  merely allowing visitors freedom as to when and how they visit a page and where they might choose to go next. Feedback can be kept formal via a questionnaire which can be filled  (18)  , or informal by providing an address for e-mail or even by  (19)  a digital guest book for comments left for other users to read. Although all web pages are protected so that unauthorized visitors cannot make unsolicited changes to them, it is also possible to  (20)  access to pages on the internet to those holding a password.
1. A. believe  B. retrieve  C. perceive  D. conceive
2. A. available B. obtainable    C. achievable  D. amicable
3. A. displayed    B. displaying    C. displayable  D. is displayed
4. A. medium B. vehicle    C. agent  D. means
5. A. what  B. that    C. which    D. it
6. A. maybe linked  B. may be linked    C. may is linked  D. may linked
7. A. wonder    B. wander  C. stray    D. ramble
一般考研真题是从哪里8. A. deciding    B. decided    C. decide    D. to decided
9. A. transition    B. transmit  C. transform  D. transfer
10. A. flip  B. slip    C. skip  D. skim
11. A. success  B. access    C. assess  D. possess
12. A. about  B. on  C. at  D. to
13. A. on    B. of    C. in  D. at
14. A. to appear  B. appeared    C. appearing  D. appear
15. A. sequence    B. order  C. turn  D. switch
16. A. modes  B. forums  C. shapes    D. forms
17. A. beyond    B. over  C. against    D. further
18. A. up  B. out    C. with  D. over
19. A. install    B. installed  C. installing    D. installs a
20. A. constrain    B. confine    C. restrict D. limit
1.B  retrieve 检索; 恢复; 重新得到。perceive 觉察; 理解; 认知。conceive怀孕; 构思; 以为; 持有。
2.A  make something available to 使…能得到某物。obtainable能得到的。achievable可完成的。amicable友好的。
3.A  展示在网页上的信息通过浏览器观看。信息是被展示在网页上, 所以用表示被动的过去分词displayed修饰information做主语。
4.D  by means of 用…方式。
5.B  that引导的定语从句修饰computer, 因为computer前有any修饰,所以不能用which代替引导词that。
6.B  be linked to与…相连。选项在句中充当谓语, 且may后应接动词原型, 所以选D。A选项中maybe, 可能, 为副词。
7.B  wonder怀疑; 想知道。stray流浪; 迷路。wander和ramble都有“漫
步,漫游,闲逛”的意思, 但wander指无目的地到处徘徊或闲荡, 而ramble 一般指走走停停, 心情愉快, 步履轻松。
8.A  deciding与前半句的acting为并列关系。超文本和超链接能让用户充当信息的接受者, 从一个信息资源逛到另一个信息资源, 并让用户自己决定他们希望转移到浏览器的信息。
9.D  transfer 此题属于词义辨析题。四个选项都有“转移, 转换”的意思。transfer(常与to连用)迁移; 调任; 转移。一般包含空间上的转移之意。transition (名词) 转变; 变化; 过渡; 变迁。transmit 传送; 传播; 传递;传染; 播送; 发送。transform 使变形; 使改观; 转变; 改造。一般是看不出原来样子的“转化”。
10.C  skip在本文中的含义为“(故意)遗漏, 漏掉”。近似含义还有, “不参加某项活动; 缺席”。flip轻弹; 弹投, 弹抛; 翻。俚语中有“发疯”的意思。slip滑落; 溜走; 忘记; 遗漏。skim撇去液体上的油质或固体物质; 浏览; 轻轻掠过, 轻擦而过。
11.B  access进入; 通道。success, 成功。assess 作动词, 评估。possess 作动词, 占有, 拥有。
12.D  point to指向。point at一般有“指向某一特定点”之意。
13.B  places of interest有意思的去处, 名胜。
14.D  appear主语为复数名词addresses of webpages, 同时该句描述的为一般情况, 应该用动词appear的一般现在时, 即原形。
15.C  in one’s turn, 是in turn (依次, 轮流)的另一种用法。
16.D  form此处表示形式。mode强调模式, 不是最佳选项。forum论坛, 讨论会, 会议场所。