第一部分 听力理解(共两节,满分30分)
第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5 分、满分7.5分)
例:How much is the shirt?
A.f 19.15. BE 9.18. C E9.15.
( )1.How much should the woman pay in all?
A.90 yuan.      B.135 yuan.        C.180 yuan.
( )2.What will the woman probably do next?
A.Eat something.  B.Drink more coffee.  C.Drink some tea.
( )3.What will the man do this evening?
A.See a film.      B.Have a class.      C.Give a speech.
( )4.Why couldn't Linda get through to Tom?
A.Something was wrong with Tom's telephone.
B.Tom wasn't at home then.
C.Tom changed his phone number.
( )5.How long did the woman's flight last?
A.7 hours.      B.17 hours.        C.27 hours.
第二节(共15小题:每小题1.5分,满分 22.5分)
( )6.Whom does the woman want to buy a ski jacket for?
A.Her niece.    B.Her son.      C.Her daughter.
( )7.Why doesn't the woman buy the ski jacket at once?
A.She thinks it's too expensive.
B.She thinks it's too big.
C.She doesn't like its color乡镇公务员
( )8.Where will the factory be built?
A.In the west of the town.  B.In the south of the town.  C.In the north of the town.
( )9.What will the factory be built?
A.To produce rubbish cans.  B.To deal with rubbish.    C.To produce rubbish bags.
( )10.What is the man studying at the college?
A.International communication.  B.Basic programming.  C.Advanced programming.
( )11.How many students are there at the college?
A.500.        B.550.          C.600.
( )12.Which club will the woman join?
A.The music club.  B.The table tennis club.      C.The film club.
( )13.What is the man doing?
A.Asking about an evening school.
B.Doing research on reading.
C.Exchange reading experience with the woman.
( )14.How many hours does the woman spend in reading newspapers?
A.About two or three hours a week.
上海教师绩效工资B.About four or five hours a week.
C.About seven or eight hours a week.
( )15.What books does the woman like reading best?
A.Comic books.    B.Textbooks.    C.Novels.
( )16.What does the woman usually do at night?
A.She watches TV.    B.She takes classes.      C.She reads books.
( )17.What docs it mean when we say someone is blue?
A.He or she is very sad.  B.He or she is unlucky.  C.He or she is sick.
( )18.How many colors are mentioned in all?
A.Two.        B.Three.        C.Four.
( )19.Which color can describe a person who has a sick feeling of stomachache?
A.Red.        B.Green.        C.Blue.
( )20.What does it mean when we say someone is red hot?
A.He or she is kind to others.  B.He or she looks very sad.  C.He or she is angry.
第二部分 知识运用(共三节,满分40分)
第一节 词汇与语法(本节共10小题;每小题1分,共10分)
( )21.Mother's Day is celebrated on    second Sunday in    May.
A.the; /    B.the;a    C./:the    D.a;/
( )22.The customers are pleased with the          of the restaurant.
A.balance  B.surface    C.service    D.experience
( )23.Nanjing is a city        a long history.
A.in        B.with      C.for        D.to
( )24 Jackson is the only one of the boys              the truth.
A.that knows  B.that know  C.who know  D.which knows
( )25.Is    necessary to take off our shoes when we have the dancing class?
A.everyone  B.this        C.we          D.it
( )26.My brother is        and he likes making friends with his classmates.
A.shy      B.outgoing    C.serious      D.quiet
( )27.Neither my parents or I      going traveling during the coming holiday.
A.is        B.are          C.am          D.were
( )28.I would      it if you could give me a hand to solve the problem.
A.appreciate    B.admit  C.thank        D.apologize
事业单位面试必背模板真题( )29.He was      tired      he could not move an inch.桂林人才网首页
A.so;that        B.such;that  C.very; that  D.so;as
( )30.The comedy      next month aims to reflect(反映)the local culture.
A.produced    B.being produced  C.to be produced  D.having been produced
第二节 交际用语(本节共20小题:每小题1分,共20分)
(一)选择:看下面10组小对话。根据文字提供的信息。从 A、B.C、D四个选项中选出一个符合对话情景或含义的最佳选项。