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1. From human bias (偏见) to the science of breathing, and the wonderful world of mushrooms, here are four page-turners for science lovers. The four books delve into a wonderfully wide range of topics, covering breathing, mystery illnesses, bias, and even the magical world of mushrooms. Read on to find out why they're four of the most interesting non-fiction books of the year 2021!
Breath: The New Science of a Lost Art by James Nestor
How conscious are you of your own breathing? Reading this could change that forever, offering facts on our breathing, and how even
the smallest of changes can have great health benefits.
The End of Bias: How We Change Our Minds by Jessica Nordell
Journalist and author Jessica Nordell looks at unconscious bias, weaving fascinating stories and offering real-life solutions to some problems in our own society. From issues within the police force to how we teach children under five, this book will leave you with a whole new outlook on how to tackle the issue of bias.
The Sleeping Beauties: And Other Stories of Mystery Illness by Suzanne O' Sullivan
Two cases look at children who fall asleep for years at a time
and many employees experiencing memory loss at the US Embassy in Cuba. O'Sullivan travels the world to get to the bottom of these strange incidents.
Entangled Life: How Fungi Make Our Worlds by Merlin Sheldrake
You've probably never given much thought to mushrooms, but
biologist Merlin Sheldrake makes this exploration into the world of fungi feel like reading a science fiction novel. The book takes you
on a literal deep dive under the Earth's surface, within our own
bodies and even into outer space to discover a massively diverse kingdom of organisms, which sustain nearly all living things.
【小题1】Which topic is mentioned in these books?
A.Common diseases. B.The exploration of mushrooms. C.Breathing illnesses. D.Science and magics.
【小题2】What do we know about The End of Bias according to the passage?
A.It is written by James
B.It is related to conscious bias.
C.It tells us how to teach children under six. D.It refers to how to deal with bias in our society.
【小题3】What's the purpose of the passage?
A.To advertise these books. B.To tell readers how to buy these books.
C.To tell readers how to read these books. D.To give a brief introduction of these books.
2. Qian Hongyan waited on the starting block, supporting herself using her hands and torso(躯干). When the starting signal sounded, Qian pushed herself in. She won the silver medal in the women’s 100-meter breaststroke(蛙泳) SB5 final in the 11th National Games for Persons with Disabilities held in Xi’an, Shaanxi province in 2021.
Qian, from Luliang of Yunnan province, had both of her legs cut off after getting into an accident in 2000 when she was 4 years old. Her family were extremely poor. With little resources available, her grandfather cut up an old basketball to replace her lower body. Since then, she became well-known for moving around while balanced on an orange ball, earning her the nickname “basketball girl”.
Qian’s passion for swimming dates back to 2007, when she was invited by the local disabled people’s federation to watch the 2008 National Paralympic Games in Kunming, capital of Yunnan. At 11 years old, she joined the provincial swimming team for people with disabilities. However, without legs, it was difficult for Qian to keep her balance in water. “Swimming without legs is like rowing a boat without a rudder(船舵). I tended to swing due to a poor sense of direction.” Qian said. To help her overcome the difficulty, her coach designed a special training plan for her. Every day, she practiced for at least four hours. She made great efforts to enhance her arm strength and balance.
In 2009, she won three gold medals in the provincial contests in Yunnan, as well as one gold medal and two silvers at national events. In 2014, she won another gold medal in the 100m breaststroke final in the Yunnan Provincial Paralympic Games. In the 2016 Rio Paralympic Games, she placed ninth in the 100m breaststroke.
Qian’s journey to create a future for herself, despite losing both legs in a tragic accident, has become the story that inspired thousands of disabled people in China.
【小题1】How did Qian earn her the nickname “basketball girl”? A.She liked playing
B.She had no legs like a basketball.
C.She kept balanced on an old basketball. D.She got into an accident when playing basketball.
【小题2】What made Qian become interested in swimming?
A.She received a special training plan.
B.She joined the provincial swimming team.
C.She tended to swing with a poor sense of direction.
D.She was invited to watch the 2008 National Paralympic Games.
【小题3】What does paragraph 4 mainly tell us about Qian?
A.Her efforts. B.Her skills. C.Her achievements. D.Her influences. 【小题4】What can we learn from Qian’s story?
A.Painstaking efforts pay off. B.Help cures disabilities. C.Disabilities lead to success. D.Love helps the disabled
3. Under the background of the slow growth of its total
population to 1.44 billion, China has seen a sharp rise in older adults over the past decade, solidifying the country’s rapidly aging pattern, the latest national census (人口普查) data shows. The population on the Chinese mainland increased by an average of 0.53 percent annually during the past 10 years to 1.41 billion, compared with an annual growth rate of 0.57 percent from 2000 to 2010, according to the 7th national census published by the National Bureau of Statistics.
“The growth of the total population has slowed down but remains at a steady pace,” Ning Jizhe, head of the bureau, said at a news conference. “Based on trends in recent years, China’s population will grow at an increasingly slow rate in the future while remaining above 1.4 billion.” The increasing elderly population has become a defining feature of the past decade.
Ning said an aging society will set the tone for China's population structure for a long time, presenting challenges and
op portunities. “A graying population will pile pressure on supply of labor force and social services, as well as adding to families’ elderly care burden. But more elderly people could also motivate consumption of products and services targeting this age group, and advance the development of some technologies,” he said.
Ning added that those between the ages of 60 and 69, who are equipped with knowledge, experience and skills and are generally in good health, make up nearly 56 percent of all older adults. “Th eir potential to continue making contributions to society and playing a constructive role is big,” he responded to a question on the outlook for raising the retirement age and carrying out other potential measures aimed at addressing the aging trend. Some population economists also said the latest numb
er and proportion (比例) of elderly are largely within predictions, and the aging trend will continue for a long time.
【小题1】What does the 7th national census data show?
A.The aging population of China has risen rapidly.
B.The annual growth rate has increased by 0.04%.
C.The annual growth rate was 0.57% during the past 10 years.
D.The total population of Chinese mainland increased to 1.44
【小题2】What does Ning Jizhe say about the growth of graying population?
A.It is beyond predictions. B.It brings few advantages.
C.It has sharply slowed down. D.It will increase pressure on family.
【小题3】What is Ning Jizhe’s attitude to the graying population? A.Objective. B.Doubtful. C.Unclear. D.Negative. 【小题4】What can be a suitable title for the passage?
A.The aging trend brings problems
B.An aging society presents opportunities
C.China’s population gets old as growth slows
D.Measures are to be taken to tackle the aging trend
4. China's digital currency may be world's first. According to Xinhua Newspaper, China may issue the world's first central bank digital currency (CBDC) to cut the costs of circulating traditional
paper money and boost policy makers' control of money supply. The CBDC is a new form of money issued digitally by the central bank and serves as legal currency. The to-be-issued currency could be put into electronic wallets to support direct and peer-to-peer transactions (对等交易). The “wallet” could be an app on a sm artphone, but the final design has not yet been settled.
At the beginning stage, the CBDC is for domestic use only. In the future, it is designed to adopt the sa
me exchange rate as physical money, but the international transaction system will be much more complex. "If China successfully issued the world's first CBDC, it
will motivate other countries to make relevant studies and join the competition of creating CBDC," said Huang Yiping, director of the Institute of Digital Finance at Peking University. As some officials said, the CBDC will replace bank notes and coins, or the cash in circulation and it is designed for retail (零售) payments at the early stage.
In other countries, many central banks have begun planning to issue their own digital currencies. The Bank for International Settlements, a club of central banks, last month said it expects one-fifth of the world's population will have access to a CBDC by 2024.
China is the clear frontrunner. On February 17th it ended the third big test of its digital currency, handing out 10 million yuan to 50,000 shoppers in Beijing. It has announced a joint venture (合资企业) with SWIFT, an interbank-messaging system used for
international payments.Sweden, another supporter, has extended its digital currency project.
The latest big central bank to get serious about a CBDC is the European Central Bank (ECB). Speaking to The Economist on February
10th, Christine Lagarde, its president, said she planned to seek approval from her colleagues to begin preparing for a digital EURO.
【小题1】What can we say about the CBDC?
A.It has been issued in China. B.It will be used legally in China.
C.It is a new form of paper money. D.It could be put into people's wallets.
【小题2】What can we know from the passage?
A.Digital currency has replaced the paper money totally. B.The world population will have access to CBDC by 2024. C.Sweden has begun to study its own digital currency. D.ECB has got approval from its members for a digital EURO.