1When is Lucy's birthday?
AOn March 20th    B On March 21st    COn March 22nd
2What is the man trying to find?
AHis textbook         BHis mirror        CHis backpack
3Whom does the man want to buy a gif for?
AHis aunt    BHis sister    CHis friend
4What's the man's advice for the woman?
AWalking    BTaking a bus    CRiding a bike
5Where are the speakers now?
AIn a library        BAt a post office        CIn a supermarket
听下面 5段对话,每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的ABC三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置,听每段对话或独白的你将有5秒钟的时间阅读各个小题。听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白听两遍。
6What's wrong with the man?
AHe felt unhappy        BHe got a headache         CHe didn't sleep well
7How many games did the man's team play?
AOne         BTwo        CThree
8What does the girl ask about
AA river        BAnimals        CHomework
9What will the speakers do next week?
AStudy lakes        BCatch fish        CBuy a book
10What might be the relationship between the speakers?
ANeighbors        BCoworkers        CClassmates
11What did the woman do yesterday
AShe painted the walls        BShe bought an apartment        CShe had the fridge repaired
12What color does the man probably like?
AGreen        BYellow        CPink
13When will the man move in?
ATwo days later        BTen days later        CTwo weeks later
14Why is the man going to the States
ATo go to a university        BTo attend a conference        CTo visit places of inter
15What does the woman ask the man to do?
APhone her        BHave a meeting        CLeave in February
16What might be the man?
AA businessman        BA scientist        CA guide
17Who picked up the children from school
AMrs. Baker        BPeter        CMrs. Smith
18When did the children go to bed?
AAt eight        BAt nine        CAt ten
19What do we know about Peter?
AHe reaches home at ten    BHe irons clothes for his children    CHe sonetimes helps with the dishes
20 What does Mrs. Baker think of her day?
ARelaxing    BInteresting         CTring
Let’s Celebrate!
No matter what kind of culture you come across, there’s always a reason to celebrate! Check out four amazing festivals around the world.
Great Wisconsin Cheese Festival
Every June people get together in WisconsinUSA, to honor cheese (奶酪).The celebration lasts three days and it's full of different events for the whole family. There are concerts, free cheese tasting, the Big Cheese Parade and Big Cheese Breakfast, etc.
La Tomatina
Every August, Buiol, Spain, hosts a festival where the world’s biggest hour-long food fight takes place. Around 20,000 people take part in the event, throwing over a hundred tons of tomatoes at each other in all. What a juiced-up celebration!
Harbin International Ice and Snow Festival
Are there any festivals to celebrate in winterSure! Come to Harbin, China. It is home to Harbin International Ice and Snow Festival. The festival starts on January s every year. During the month-long festival, people can enjoy the largest and most beautiful ice and snow sculptures (雕塑) in the world.
Monkey Buffet Festival
The Monkey Buffet Festival is on the last Sunday of November. It is a great day for monkeys in Thailand. People there think monkeys can bring good luck to them. So, to thank monkeys, they have this special festival to feed them.
1. What can people do in Great Wisconsin Cheese Festival?
A. Throw fruits.    B. Play with animals.    C. Enjoy music.    D. Go snowboarding.
2. Which festival lasts the longest time?
A. Great Wisconsin Cheese Festival.    B. La Tomatina.
C. Harbin International Ice and Snow Festival.    D. Monkey Buffet Festival.
3. Where can the text be found?
A. In a science report.    B. On a sports website.    C. In a grammar textbook.    D. In a culture magazine.
Giorgio Lo Porto posted a video on Tik Tok about his new neighbor and their common piano talent! The post showed the cooperation of playing out music at the same time with two pianos separated by one wall.
Giorgio's neighbor's name was Emil, who was 78 years old. Emil's wife had passed away in December. The only comfort left to Emil was his piano. He spent days alone at home because of gloom, only looking forward to playing his wife's favorite piano song every night.