学校:________ 班级:________ 姓名:________ 考号:________
1.All things__________, the planned trip will have to be called off.
B.be considered 
D.having considered 
2.We consider it important that everycitizen ______ good manners.
A.has B.should be C.have D.is 
3.It is reported in today′s newspaper thatwhoever helps to catch the robber will be offered a(n) ___________ of $10,000.
A.ward C.allowance D.prize 
4.Which of the following clusters of words is an example of alliteration?
A.A weak seat 
B.Safe and sound 
C.Knock and kick 
D.Coat and boat 
5.There is a good social life in the village, and I wish I _______ a second chance to become more involved.
A.had B.will have C.would have had D.have had 
6.Sometimes children have trouble ______fact from fiction and may believe that such things actually exist.
A.to separate B.separating C.for separating D.of separating 
7.In language testing._____refers to the effect the tests have on the teaching and learning.
A.reliability B.validity C.washback D.practicality 
8.George Bernard Shaw was an Irishdramatist, literary critic, socialist spokesman and a leading ___________ inthe 20th century theater.
A.function B.figure C.status D.feature 
9.--How do you know he will lend us money?___________ He ′ s a generous person.
A.It's my guess 
B.By all means 
C.Of course, you can 
D.That depends 
10.Look!Here__________the bus.
A.is coming B.came Ces D.will come 
11.___of the twins was arrested, because I saw both at a party last night.
陕西中职教师招聘A.None B.Both C.Neither D.All 
12.As we all know, drinking too much__________ our health.
A.harms B.hurts C.injures D.destroys 
13. If you ask why I plan to study in the United States, the only answer is that it is a(n)_____ for me.
A.puzzle B.advantage C.challenge D.average 
14.Which of the following refers to the study of meaning in abstraction?
A.Phonetics B.Pragmatics C.Semantics D.Sociolinguistics 
15.Nearly a month had gone by ______ theyshowed some sign of giving up the price for which they had held out.
A.until B.while C.before D.so that 
16.It is none of your business?other people think about you. Believe yourself.
A.how B.what C.which D.when 
17.Until then, his family ____ from him for six months.
A.didn't hear 
B.hasn't been hearing 
C.hasn' t heard 
D.hadn' t heard 
18.The old man had three sons, all of______served in the army during the war.
A.them B.that C.which D.whom 
19.The school has made it a rule that no student shall take an illegal vehicleaschool bus.
A.other than B.rather else 
20._____ that my head had cleared, mybrain was also beginning to work much better.
A.For B.Now C.Since D.Despite 
21.Anne couldn′t concentrate ______ whatshe was doing while her family were watching TV.
A. C.for D.in 
22.She has many good friends, _________ are really kind to her and her parents.
A.most of them 
B.and most of whom 
C.but most of whom 
D.most of whom 
23.True friendship is like sound health, the value __________is seldom known until it is lost.
A.on which B.of which C.about which D.among which 
24.We need a decision--time is ___________.
A.ticking off B.ticking out C.ticking away D.ticking up 
25.An ambulance must have priority as it usually has to deal with some kind of __
A.ncy C.nce 
26.Most of us know we should cut down on fat, but knowing such things isn’t much help when it shopping and eating
A.refers to B.speaks of C.focuses on Des to 
27.It is reported that many a new house___________ at present in the disaster area in Gansu province.
A.are being built B.is being built C.was built D.were built 
28._____ difficulties we may come across,we′ II help one another to overcome them.
A.Wherever B.Whatever C.However D.Whenever 
29.Published in 1926, The Sun Also Rises isa novel written by ___________, a famous American writer.
A.Jack London 
B.Ernest Hemingway 
C.Mark Twain 
D.William Faulkner 
30."The key to__________the medical problems is health care reform," said the minister.
A.solve B.solving C.being solved D.be solved 
31.She won′t be available between 6 and 8,for she ______ an important meeting.
A.has had B.had had C.would have had D.will be having 
32.If it__________ possible, I would have helped him, but I was too busy.
A.is B.was C.were D.had been