    Four-level English composition scoring criteria include the following aspects:
    1. Content and Ideas: The essay should have a clear main idea, and the content should be relevant and well-developed. The ideas should be presented logically and coherently.
    2. Organization: The essay should have a clear and effective organizational structure, with a well-defined introduction, body, and conclusion. The ideas should be presented in a logical and sequential manner.
    3. Language Use: The essay should demonstrate a good command of English language, including vocabulary, grammar, and sentence structure. The language should be varied and appropriate for the intended audience.
    4. Mechanics: The essay should be free from errors in spelling, punctuation, and capitalization. The writing should be clear and easy to read.
    5. Overall Effect: The essay should effectively communicate the writer's ideas and engage the reader. It should demonstrate a strong and effective use of language to convey the writer's message.
    1. 内容和思想文章应该有一个清晰的主题,内容应该相关并且有条理。思想应该逻辑清晰,连贯。
    2. 组织结构,文章应该有清晰有效的组织结构,包括明确的引言、主体和结论。思想应该以一种逻辑和顺序的方式呈现。
    3. 语言运用,文章应该展现出对英语语言的良好掌握,包括词汇、语法和句子结构。语言应该丰富多样,适合目标读者。
英语四级评分标准及评分细则    4. 语言表达,文章应该没有拼写、标点和大小写错误。写作应该清晰易懂。
    5. 整体效果,文章应该有效地传达作者的思想并吸引读者。它应该展现出对语言的强大和有效运用,以传达作者的信息。