1. Conversation 1
M: I’d like to talk to the manager, please.
W: Is something wrong, sir?
M: Yes, I ordered a car wash, but when I got my car back, it was still dirty. I’d like to have it washed ag本人n for free.
W: I’m sorry to hear that, sir. Let me talk to my manager right away.
2. Conversation 2
W: John, are you going to thepany pic on Saturday?
M: I would love to go, but I already have plans to go camping with my family that weekend.
W: That’s too bad. We’ll miss you.
M: I’m sure you’ll have a great time. Enjoy the food and games for me.
3. Conversation 3
M: Sandy, don’t forget to call the bank and ask about transferring the money from our savings account to our checking account.六级查分2021入口
W: I’ll do it after work. I can’t do it now because I have a meeting in 5 minutes.
M: Okay, don’t forget. We need to pay the mortgage by the end of the week.
W: I won’t forget, don’t worry.
4. Lecture 1
Good morning, everyone. Today I’d like to talk about a new trend in the business world—corporate social responsibility. This concept refers to apany’s duty to act in ways that benefi
t society at large. For example, apany might reduce its carbon footprint by implementing sust本人nable practices or donate a portion of its profits to charitable organizations.
5. Lecture 2
In today’s lecture, we will discuss the impact of social media on traditional forms of advertising. With the rise of platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter,panies are recognizing the potential to reach a wider audience at a fraction of the cost of traditional advertising methods. However, they also face new challenges in the form of managing online reputations and dealing with viral content that can quickly spread and negatively impact apany’s brand.
1. Conversation 1
2. Conversation 2
3. Conversation 3
4. Lecture 1
5. Lecture 2