- M: Do you remember the wonderful film on spa ___ exploration we watched together last month?
- W: Sure. It’s actually the most impressive one I’ve seen on that topic.
Q:What do we learn about the speakers?
- W: Are you looking for anything in particular?
- M: Yes. My son is graduating from high school, and I want to get him something special.
Q:Where does the conversation most probably take pla ___?
- M: Mike told me yesterday that he had been looking in vain for a job in the art gallery.
- W: Really? If I remember right, he had a chan ___ to work there, but he turned it down.
Q:What does the wo ___n say about Mike?
- W: Would you like to e to Susan’s birthday ___ tomorrow evening?
M: I’m going to give a lecture tomorrow. I wish I could be in two pla ___s at the same time.
Q:What does the ___n mean?
- W: Aren’t you discouraged by the slow progress your staff is ___?
- M: Yes. I think I will give them a deadline and hold them to it.
Q:What is the ___n probably going to do?
- W: Excuse me. Could you ___ me where the visitors’parking is? I left my car there.
- M: Sure. It’s in Lot C. Over that way.
Q:What does the wo ___n want to know?
- W: You look great! Now that you’ve taken those fitness classes.
- M: Thanks. I’ve never felt better in my life.
Q:What does the ___n mean?
W: I really admire the efficiency of your secretaries.
- M: Our pany selects only the best. They have a heave workload and we give them a lot of responsibilities.
Q:What are the speakers talking about?
W: Hi Leo, why do you say English would bee the world language?
M: Well. For one thing, it’s so monly used, the only language that is used by more people is Chinese.
W: Why is English spoken by so ___ny people?
六级查分2021入口M: It’s spoken in ___ny countries of the world because of the British empire. And now of course is the influen ___ of America as well.
W: Many students find English a difficult language to learn.
M: Oh, all languages are difficult to learn. But English does have two greatest advantages.
W: What are they?
M: Well, first of all, it has a very international vocabulary. It has ___ny Ger ___n, Dutch, French, Spanish and Italian words in it. So speakers of those languages
will find ___ny familiar words in English. In fact, English has words for ___ny other languages as well.
W: Why is that?
M: Well, partly because English speakers have travelled a lot, they bring back words with them. So English really does have an international vocabulary.
W: And what is the other advantage of English?
M: It that English gram ___r is really quite easy. For example, it doesn’t have dozens of different endings for its nouns, adjectives and verbs, not like Latin, Russian and Ger ___n for example.
W: Why is that?
M: Well, it’s quite interesting actually, it’s because of the French. When the French ruled England, French was the official language, and only the mon people spoke English. They tried to ___ke their language as ___ as possible. So they ___de the gram ___r easier.
Questions 9 to 11 are based on the conversation you’ve just heard.