English: Nowadays, an increasing number of college graduates are opting to take the national civil service exam. There are several reasons for this trend. First and foremost, the competition in the job market has become increasingly fierce, and many graduates view a career in the civil service as a stable and desirable option. Additionally, the civil service offers attractive benefits and work-life balance, which are appealing to many young people. Furthermore, the opportunity for career advancement and professional development within the civil service is another factor that attracts college graduates. Lastly, the sense of contributing to society and serving the public also motivates many to pursue a career in the civil service.
考公报名时间中文翻译: 现在,越来越多的大学毕业生选择参加国家公务员考试。这一趋势的原因有几个。首先,就业市场的竞争日益激烈,许多毕业生认为公务员职业是一个稳定和理想的选择。此外,公务员职位提供有吸引力的福利和良好的工作与生活平衡,这对许多年轻人具有吸引力。此外,公务员职位内的职业晋升和专业发展机会是吸引大学毕业生的另一个因素。最后,为社会做出贡献并为公众服务的意义也激励着许多人追求公务员职业。